joelmusheno / Aura.Netsuite.Deployment.Test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Test of Simple Script Deployment

Use the netsuite cli to deploy a script via automation

Netsuite CLI:


Using secret files with the format of to iterate through the build (one element for each Netsuite account that needs to recieve the package)

    "NetsuiteAccount": "tstxxxxxx",
    "Name": "AuraDev",
    "TokenId": "1166xxxxx",
    "TokenSecret": "3fe9xxxxx"

SuiteCloud account:savetoken

Need to create a temp token on a build server

suitecloud account:savetoken --authid DeployTokenAccount --account TSTDRV2294847 --tokenid xxx --tokensecret xxx

Removed Production Code

Removed the contents of restlets in SDF Account cusomization packages as the goal of this repo is to show a pattern for packaging and deployment.



Language:Shell 72.1%Language:JavaScript 27.9%