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[bug] Socialite::driver->with don't add parameters to redirect

gaetandezeiraud opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When I want to add pareameters with with in a redirect(). The parameters are not added to the generate URL.

Expected behavior
I set the following code (who is called correctly)

if ($provider == 'steam')
            return Socialite::driver('steam')
                ->with(['response_type' => 'token', 'mobileminimal' => 1])->redirect();

But the response_type and mobileminimal parameters are not added to the generated URL.
Don't work as intended here

Tried with only response_type or only mobileminimal same problem.

Environment context

  • Socialstream version: 4.1
  • Jetstream stack: Inertia
  • Laravel version: 10.10
  • PHP version: 8.1

@Brouilles I've just ran a quick test in the project to make sure that this is working as intended:

it('generates a redirect using a custom callback', function (bool $manageRepos): void {
    Config::set('services.github.manage_repos', $manageRepos);

        callback: fn () => new class() implements GeneratesProviderRedirect {
            public function generate(string $provider): RedirectResponse
                ['provider' => $provider] = Route::current()->parameters();

                $scopes = ['*'];

                $scopes = match($provider) {
                    'github' => array_merge($scopes, [
                    default => $scopes,

                return Socialite::driver($provider)
                    ->with(['response_type' => 'token', 'mobileminimal' => 1])

    $response = $this->get(route('oauth.redirect', 'github'));


    if ($manageRepos) {
    'manage repos' => [true],
    'do not manage repos' => [false],

Please can you confirm if this test case works for you?

I come back to you during the weekend.

What do you want me to do?
I thinking, maybe a problem for socialiteproviders only? Don't know.

Hi @Brouilles can you add the above test to your applications "feature" text suite and let me know if it runs correctly?


Not sure If I have implemented the test correctly. I don't use mockery (it seems you yes) and this syntax (I only use the standard Laravel method to do tests).

My bad, I don't have Github provider setup. I think it is why I have this error.

So here with this test:

    public function test_redirect (bool $manageRepos = true): void {
        Config::set('services.steam.manage_repos', $manageRepos);

            callback: fn () => new class() implements GeneratesProviderRedirect {
                public function generate(string $provider): RedirectResponse
                    ['provider' => $provider] = Route::current()->parameters();

                    $scopes = ['*'];

                    $scopes = match($provider) {
                        'steam' => array_merge($scopes, [
                        default => $scopes,

                    return Socialite::driver($provider)
                        ->with(['response_type' => 'token', 'mobileminimal' => 1])

        $response = $this->get(route('oauth.redirect', 'steam'));


        if ($manageRepos) {

I have this error in the test

Tests\Feature\SocialstreamRegistrationTest > redirect
  Redirect location [] does not contain [mobileminimal=1].       
Failed asserting that false is true.

@Brouilles The reason I asked you to implement the test with GitHub is because that is a 1st supported provider that I know 100% works.

If this doesn't work with a 3rd party provider, I suggest that the problem lies within that project - have you tried executing the following in Tinker on its own to determine if this works?

dd(Socialite::driver('steam')->scopes($scopes)->with(['response_type' => 'token', 'mobileminimal' => 1])->redirect());

Hello. Sorry for the Github test. So I setup & run it, the test works.
If this can help you, here the complet project. It is just a startup project with Steam setup.

@Brouilles This feels like more of an issue with the Socialstream Providers package, please can you try a fresh Laravel project with nothing but socialite & the steam socialite provider installed and a single route that redirects users from steam?

If you get the same issue, I'd suggest raising an issue with Socialstream Providers

Ok thank you.
I close the issue. I don't investigate more on my side. It is "just" for a side side project so don't have all this time to search more.