joe-siyuan-qiao / DetectoRS

DetectoRS: Detecting Objects with Recursive Feature Pyramid and Switchable Atrous Convolution

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please add ability to do Panoptic Segmentation

sarimmehdi opened this issue · comments

Ability to do panoptic segmentation. Right now, your pretrained network only does instance segmentation and not panoptic segmentation.

We used DeepLabv3+ to predict stuff and then combine things and stuff by the script provided in the panoptic segmentation paper. You can run them from their repos to get the panoptic segmentation results.


excuse me.
which paper and script?
i can't detect these.


if you can. please, add ability to do Panoptic Segmentation on this repo.