Instant triggers questionable active state
eXpl0it3r opened this issue · comments
Lukas Dürrenberger commented
- If you create an instant trigger in the Dashboard the trigger remains with status "active" even after the job run.
- The "active" status of the instant trigger makes IMHO only sense:
- If there's a delay to the trigger and the delay hasn't ran out yet
- The trigger is currently being executed
- IMHO instant triggers should be soft deleted as soon as they have been executed OR at least set to disabled and not being able to reenable it
- Enabling/disabling instant triggers doesn't really make sense, unless there's a delay on the trigger, since reenabling a trigger won't actually trigger a new job run and the "active" status is, as mentioned, confusing
- I can't seem to delete any of the triggers, the delete button is disabled for all triggers, but that maybe a configuration somewhere?
Oliver Zürcher commented
The dashboard is only rudimentarily implemented. There is still a lot to be optimized. A few thoughts:
- Active status also makes sense if the job has not yet been executed (e.g. MaxConcurrentJobs prevents the job from being executed). This is of course an edge case.
- I think it would be better if we didn't soft-delete the triggers but filter them in the UI and display them more clearly.
Unfortunately, the delete function has not yet been implemented.