joaompneves / tsviz

Typescript UML Visualizer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Need detail

microshine opened this issue · comments

Hello! You program is very helpfull, but I need help with it.
I have a program on TypeScript. Here is a module.d.ts

export interface IVersion {
    major: number;
    minor: number;
export interface IModuleInfo {
    cryptokiVersion: IVersion;
    manufacturerID: string;
    flags: number;
    libraryDescription: string;
    libraryVersion: IVersion;
export declare class Module extends core.BaseObject implements IModuleInfo {
    libFile: string;
    libName: string;
     * Cryptoki interface version
    cryptokiVersion: IVersion;
     * blank padded manufacturer ID
    manufacturerID: string;
     * must be zero
    flags: number;
     * blank padded library description
    libraryDescription: string;
     * version of library
    libraryVersion: IVersion;
    constructor(lib: pkcs11.Pkcs11);
    protected getInfo(): void;
     * initializes the Cryptoki library
    initialize(): void;
     * indicates that an application is done with the Cryptoki library
    finalize(): void;
     * obtains a list of slots in the system
     * @param {number} tokenPresent only slots with tokens. Default `True`
    getSlots(tokenPresent?: boolean): slot.SlotCollection;
     * loads pkcs11 lib
    static load(libFile: string, libName?: string): Module;

Result of tsviz program:


  • Why are properies of Module class not shown?
  • Why is protected method getInfo not shown?
  • Maybe it wuldbe better to mark static function as #?

Thank you!

Well, I've just updated tsviz to support fields and show the static annotation.
Regarding protected members, they're currently not shown.

Thank you