joaompneves / tsviz

Typescript UML Visualizer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No diagram generated

fr31b3u73r opened this issue · comments

Hi there!
I´m trying to get a UML diagram from my existing Angular 2 (Typescript) project. Sourcecode is located under src with some subfolders and an index.ts in it. When I try to run

tsviz -dependencies src/ C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\test.png

I get "done" from terminal - but that´s it. No .png-file is generated.
Am I missing something using tsviz? Readme is quite short so I couldn´t point out what I did wrong.
If you need any more information I´ll provide you.

Can you check with the latest version if the problem still persists. I've added a console message to log the number of modules found.

Thank you for answering!
Using the new version I get

Found 0 module(s)

So problem seems to be tsviz does not recognize my (implicit) modules. When making my modules explicit using the module keyword tsviz works fine. Perhaps you can add this to readme in order to avoid misunderstanding.