joaomoreno / SPYGlass

Development tools for vanilla Minecraft: Java Edition content creators.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


🚧 Under construction 🚧


  • @spyglassmc/core: The core package containing plugin API and general framework.
  • @spyglassmc/nbtdoc: The package providing language features for nbtdoc.
  • @spyglassmc/language-server: The language server wrapped around other packages.
  • @spyglassmc/vscode-extension: The VS Code extension implemented based on the language server.


  1.  $ git clone
  2. Make sure you're using an npm version higher than or equal to 7.0.0, as this repository utilizes npm@7's workspaces feature.
     $ npm -v
     $ npm i -g npm@7 # Run this to update it if it's not already 7.x.x.
  3.  $ npm i && npm run build

If you're using VS Code to develop SPYGlass:

  • Install the recommended ESLint extension. Make a copy of .vscode/settings.template.json and rename it to .vscode/settings.json. Now your VS Code should automatically fix all linting errors every time you save the file.
  • Press F5 to run the VS Code extension in development environment. VS Code will automatically compile all packages and build the extension file in watch mode.

Or if you prefer the command line interface:

  • npm run build to build all packages.
  • npm run watch to watch changes and build all packages.
  • npm run clean to remove all js output. Use this when there seem to be caching issues with TypeScript's compiler.
  • npm test to test all packages.
  • npm run lint to check linting errors.
  • npm run lint:fix to fix all auto-fixable linting errors.
  • npm run commit to run the [gitmoji CLI][gitmoji]. You actually don't have to worry about commit message as long as you're creating PR, as I can always change it.

Please refrain from using mocha --watch, as it might interface with and break the snapshot testing.


Development tools for vanilla Minecraft: Java Edition content creators.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.4%Language:JavaScript 0.6%