joaomgcd / JoinDesktop

A desktop app for Join built in Electron

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JoinDesktop not working on Ubuntu 22.04

Gerd-St opened this issue · comments

I have installed the com.joaomgcd.join_1.1.2_amd64.deb package. When starting the app it just opens an empty window for about 1 second and then closes.
Is there a workaround available?

Thanks for the report. Are you please able to uninstall that version and try previous versions? Do those work? Thanks

I just tried the AppImages for version 1.1.1 and 1.1.0. Identical behaviour with version 1.1.2 as both an AppImage and .deb package.

I again run Join.Desktop-1.1.2.AppImage, this time from terminal and got this output:
gerd@Ubuntu-Desktop:~/Downloads$ ./Join.Desktop-1.1.2.AppImage
Checking local ip...
Stored bounds { x: 496, y: 124, width: 612, height: 658 }
Primary display { x: 59, y: 27, width: 1477, height: 837 }
Start monitoring clipboard 1000
Instancing AutoLaunch for path /tmp/.mount_Join.D0qtIn4/com.joaomgcd.join
App Info {
platform: 'linux',
version: '1.1.2',
isWindowsSystem: false,
isMacSystem: false,
isLinuxSystem: true,
ipAddress: Promise { }
Got IP null
Package version from github 1.1.2
No notifications. Closing window.
[22949:0509/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.

Hmmm, never saw that issue before. Does "GPU process isn't usable" mean anything to you?

Sorry, no.
Processor is AMD Ryzen 7 5700g, Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060/PCIe/SSE2.
Ubuntu 22.04 is using GNOME 42.0, window manager is X11

Not really. I am running Ubuntu on a PC, not MacOS. And I have no idea on how I should replicate what is proposed there for running an AppImage or the .deb installation.

I found a solution. I am using AppImageLauncher on my Ubuntu installation for easy starting the AppImages simiilar to other installed applications. After installing the Join AppImage a desktop file will be created at ./.local/shared/applications.
Within that desktop file I had to add the "--no-sandbox" option like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Join Desktop (1.1.2)
Exec=/home/gerd/Applications/Join.Desktop-1.1.2_46b5ccfb3adf1171a3a0cca000ee71c8.AppImage --no-sandbox
StartupWMClass=Join Desktop
Comment=A companion app for the Join website

It may take a reboot after changing the file for taking effect.

Nice! :) Very glad you found that. Thank you for letting me know!