joaodasilva / go-gzip-file-server

A net.http.Handler similar to FileServer that serves gzipped content

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

net.http.handler.gzip: a FileServer that serves gzipped content.


import "net/http/handler/gzip"

base := "/path/to/website/static/files"
http.Handle("/static", http.StripPrefix("/static", gzip.FileServer(http.Dir(base))))

Run the example:

# (checkout)
# export GOPATH=`pwd`
# go install net/http/handler/gzip/example
# ./bin/example

Usage of http.FileServer can be replaced with gzip.FileServer. A request for <file> serves <file>.gz instead if its modification time is not before the original file's, or if the original does not exist. Serves the original if the request doesn't support the "gzip" encoding. index.html can also be gzipped as a default for directories (index.html.gz).


A net.http.Handler similar to FileServer that serves gzipped content


Language:Go 100.0%