jnthn / json-path

A Raku implementation of JSONPath.

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no module version in zef

lukasvalle opened this issue · comments

During installation, zef does not show the module version. After changing the auth to authors in META6.json, zef does show the version during the installation:

 ~/.perl6/bin/zef install .
 ===> Testing: JSON::Path
 ===> Testing [OK] for JSON::Path
 ===> Installing: JSON::Path

change META6.json

 diff META6.json.orig META6.json
    <     "auth": "Jonathan Worthington <jonathan@edument.se>",
   >     "authors": "Jonathan Worthington <jonathan@edument.se>",

Version is ok:

  ~/.perl6/bin/zef install .
  ===> Testing: JSON::Path:ver<1.7>
  ===> Testing [OK] for JSON::Path:ver<1.7>
  ===> Installing: JSON::Path:ver<1.7>