jnsgruk / trivy-cvss-tools

Python tools to enable augmentation of JSON formatted Trivy reports with CVSS data

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trivy CVSS Tools

This repository contains two simple Python scripts that, together with the JSON files in this repository enable a CI/CD pipeline ir similar tooling to augment a Trivy container scan report with CVSS scores where they are available.


This tool is used to parse all of the JSON files contained in the nvdcve repo - example usage might be:

$ git clone https://github.com/olbat/nvdcve.git
$ python process-nvdcve.py nvdcve/nvdcve

By default, the above will output a (gzipped) JSON file, that when decompressed is of the form:

  "base_score": 4.5,
  "impact_score": 6.7,
  "exploitability_score": 4.3

The script will check each vulnerability, preferring the CVSSv3 scores if available, and including the CVSSv2 scores if not.


This script takes an existing Trivy report and gzipped CVSS file as input, and outputs an augmented report to stdout. Example might look like this:

$ trivy -q --cache-dir /tmp/trivy -f json debian:stable-slim > trivy_report.json
$ python add-cvss.py cvss.json.gz trivy_report.json > new_report.json
$ cat new_report.json | jq '.[0].Vulnerabilities[0]'
  "VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2011-3374",
  "PkgName": "apt",
  "InstalledVersion": "1.8.2",
  "LayerID": "sha256:5d23f9193e1f7fed41a87ee03d9e7d656cc2b115eef61e15fe5517c4578bbeac",
  "Description": "It was found that apt-key in apt, all versions, do not correctly validate gpg keys with the master keyring, leading to a potential man-in-the-middle attack.",
  "Severity": "MEDIUM",
  "References": [
  "CVSS": {                         # This section was added by the script
    "base_score": 3.7,              #
    "impact_score": 1.4,            #
    "exploitability_score": 2.2     #


Python tools to enable augmentation of JSON formatted Trivy reports with CVSS data

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%