jnr / jnr-ffi

Java Abstracted Foreign Function Layer

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LibraryLoader.search() path not taken into consideration unless also in LD_LIBRARY_PATH

ja2142 opened this issue · comments

On linux, when loading library outside of normal library paths, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH has to be set - if it isn't, library fails to load.


Let's say there's a lib at ~/mylib/libmylib.so. Trying to load it with:

MyLib lib = LibraryLoader.create(MyLib.class).failImmediately()

Fails with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: libmylib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

When the path in which library resides is added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (by export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/mylib), code above loads the library without any problems.

Expected behaviour:

I'd expect LibraryLoader.search(path) to work, without me having to deal with environment variables. Maybe a fix would be as easy as just prepending path from LibraryLoader.search() to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?


I'm trying to get a project with native libs packaged in a .jar to work. It works by unpacking these native libs into some directory in users home, and then loading them with jnr-ffi. Again I'd hope that LibraryLoader.search(path).load(lib) would just work, without having to fiddle with env variables.

May be related to #129 (paths added via search() seem to have priority, as long as they are in LD_LIBRARY_PATH - otherwise they don't seem to be taken into consideration at all)

I'm fairly sure this is an issue because of ~ which wouldn't be interpreted as you expect in Java.

I believe ~ expanding to the current user's home directory is a bashism or at least a shell behavior that isn't expected to be found everywhere including Java.


  • Try replacing ~ yourself with the system environment variable representing the user's home directory, this can be found using System.getEnv(), maybe there are libraries or utilites that help with this, though it shouldn't be more than a quick string replace that replaces ~ if found in the beginning of the string with the user's home directory which you'd need to query and find
  • Use the absolute path ie /home/user/mylib/, relative paths also work so you can additionally do something like ../libs/mylib/ if you place it there, I myself prefer this option

Hope this helps

Sorry for the confusion, but I used ~ as a placeholder for my home directory, in code and in commands I used absolute paths (/home/user/...) everywhere. Although now that I tested it, it works exactly the same when I do use ~ (both in code and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...).

I guess the problem might be with some dlopen, or whatever underlying mechanism is being used that only looks in predefined library paths, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

Alright, I've dug a little deeper, and I've discovered couple of things:

  • Even though, as @basshelal said, it's possible to load a library with it's full name using a relative or absolute path like so:

It's not possible to use full name of library, when not providing a path, because in such case LibraryLoader assumes that short name is being used (i.e. load("mylib") and load("mylib/libmylib.so") are ok, but load("libmylib.so"), or load("libmylib.so.3") isn't). The solution to my original problem is just to use short name.

  • My original problem was that libraries installed on my system were loaded before libs contained in a jar. I thought that this could be solved by just trying to load proper version of libraries - i.e. load("libavutil.so.56") - but, as I've learned this doesn't seem to be possible. In "GettingStarted.md" there's an example that uses load("c") - and although this is probably fine for something as stable as libc, I'd say it's a bad idea for pretty much any other library - one should really load a specific major version, because different major version are very likely to not be binary compatible. Indeed, my original problem was caused by system installed libavutil.so.57 being load instead of libavutil.so.56 contained in a jar, which resulted in a crash. Clearly, the strategy to load latest version of a library (which seems to be what jnr is doing) is not a very good one. Sure I could just load from specific path, but I'd say that I don't really care from where library is loaded, as long as it's compatible (which for most libraries should be the case as long as major version matches). I think a good solution would be to just allow loading specific version of lib, without forcing only one path to be searched (so in essence allow what I did in my original question) - it looks like this is already possible on windows.

For now I guess there are two workarounds that more or less work for me:

  • using path in load:
  • or adding PreferCustomPaths option:
    .option(LibraryOption.PreferCustomPaths, true)