jney / dotfiles

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ruby: no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError)

vitaly-pushkar opened this issue · comments

I receive this message: "ruby: no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError)" when open console after installing dotfiles
How to overcome this problem? Or how to completely revert all changes done by dotfiles?

OpenSuse 11.3 64x
Ruby 1.9.2-head installed through rvm.

hi, try replacing line 17 in bash/env :

GEMBIN=$(ruby -rubygems -e "puts Gem.bindir")

with :

GEMBIN=$(ruby -e "require 'rubygems';puts Gem.bindir")

does it fix the problem ?

Now i receive this error:
-e:1:in `require': no such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError)
from -e:1

this commit should fix the problem : 179333f
but it is weird that the gem command is available, but ruby can't load rubygems.

Thank you. It helped me.