jnahelou / datadog-demo

Simple datadog demo supports based on github.com/DataDog/ecommerce-workshop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Datadog demo environment

Ecommerce-workshop application can be found on the official datadog github

GKE install from manifests (not using helm)

Start this tutorial by deploying a minimal GKE regional cluster. Enable cilium CNI through dataplacev2 setting.

gcloud beta container clusters create "dd-demo" --region "europe-west9" --num-nodes "1" --enable-ip-alias --network default --enable-dataplane-v2 

DataDog Agents

Use DataDog agent and cluster-agent integration to forward metric to datadog. Manifests can be found on the documentation. The full features manifest is perfect for this demo. It include metrics, logging, APM, RUM and more.

Note: If you work on a datadog account based on EU. Update each agent and cluster-agent to add a new environment variable DD_SITE with value datadoghq.eu.

Note: cluster token must be 32 chars! Otherwise, Agent will log authentication error.

Additional integration


GKE override default Cilium metric server listener. To configure DataDog agent, we will override default the configuration file for cilium integration. To do it, let's create a new configmap from the config file and mount it in folder.

You can find the default config file in the folder /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/cilium.d one the DataDog agent. Replace agent_endpoint: http://%%host%%:9090/metrics by agent_endpoint: http://%%host%%:9990/metrics.

$ kubectl create configmap datadog-agent-cilium-integration --from-file=cilium_auto_conf.yaml 
$ cat datadog-agent-all-features.yaml
    - name: cilium-auto-conf
      mountPath: /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/cilium.d
  - name: cilium-auto-conf
      name: datadog-agent-cilium-integration

Redeploy agent and check cilium integration is working using kubectl exec -it datadog-xxxx agent status

Kubernetes stats core and Tag extraction

DataDog cluster-agent provide Kubernetes configuration monitoring. The cluster-agent is already deploy in the all-features manifest. If not, follow kubernetes_state_core (you can get manifests from here).

In all-features manifest, cluster-agent is not configured to collects K8S resources. Push the manifests/all-in-one/cluster-agent-confd-configmap.yaml config map and overide cluster-agent configuration to use this file:

The join_standard_tags: true enable tag extraction

E-Commerce website

Deploy manifests available in deploy/gcp/gke folder (skip the datadog-agent file) from datadog github


After creating a new RUM application, update frontend deploy/gcp/gke/frontend.yaml manifest to include application secrets

Improve DataDog Tags

DataDog is able to discover standard K8S automatically doc. Update deployments and pods and add the following labels:

    service: xxx
    app: ecommerce
    app.kubernetes.io/version: 1.0.0
    app.kubernetes.io/name: ecommerce
    app.kubernetes.io/component: xxxxx
    tags.datadoghq.com/service: xxxxx-service
    tags.datadoghq.com/env: development

Don't forget to inject environment variable for SDK used in application:

          - name: DD_SERVICE
                fieldPath: metadata.labels['tags.datadoghq.com/service']
          - name: DD_VERSION
                fieldPath: metadata.labels['app.kubernetes.io/version']

You can also use annotations to create custom tags.

    ad.datadoghq.com/tags: '{"app": "ecommerce"}'

If configuration is correct, on service page, deployment and pods should be counted. On the configuration wheel, version tagging should be enabled.

Log filter

Some logs are not correctly parsed by default glog.

  1. Create a new Pipeline applied on service:(advertisements-service OR discountsservice) name ecommerce-app
  2. Create a Grok parser with the following rule:
logparsing %{date("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"):date}\s+%{word:level}\s+\[%{word:scope}\]\s+\[%{data:file}\]\s+\[dd.service\=%{data:service}\s+dd.env\=%{word:env}\s+dd.version\=%{data:version}\s+dd.trace_id\=%{integer:trace_id}\s+dd.span_id\=%{integer:span_id}\]\s+-\s+%{data}
  1. Remap the level attribut as status field


You can find an opinionated dashbord on this repository. Import the json file to install the dashboard.


Add a retention policy to have more than 15min history. Keep all traces. If you have multiple applications on your DataDog account, add a service filter.

Create a monitor

Create a new monitor named High latency on store-frontend with the query avg(last_5m):avg:trace.rack.request.duration{service:store-frontend} > 8. Add the tag app:ecommerce.

Create a SLO

Create a new SLO named [Errors] Serving 5xx class with the query (sum:trace.rack.request.hits.by_http_status{service:store-frontend,http.status_class:2xx}.as_count()) / (sum:trace.rack.request.hits.by_http_status{service:store-frontend AND (http.status_class:5xx OR http.status_class:2xx)}.as_count()) and the tag app:ecommerce.

Replay traffic

Build and run the replay traffic docker image:

$ docker run -it --rm --env FRONTEND_HOST= --env FRONTEND_PORT=3000 traffic-replay


Default images provides various errors. To deploy working application, replace image: ddtraining/xxxxx:latest by image: ddtraining/xxxxx-fixed:latest, update the deployment version and redeploy.


Simple datadog demo supports based on github.com/DataDog/ecommerce-workshop