jmthoelken / RouterBundle

Bundle for ONGR routing.

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ONGR Router Bundle

Router Bundle allows to define and match URLs for elasticsearch documents. At url matching phase it additionaly searches for elasticsearch documents with specified url.

This can be used for generating/matching nice URLs for any document. Beautiful URLs help SEO and improve user's usability experience.

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The online documentation of the bundle is here

For contribution rules take a look at contribute topic.

Setup the bundle

This bundle strongly uses ONGR Elasticsearch Bundle. We assume that you are familiar with it and it already suits your needs.

Step 1: Install Router bundle

Router bundle is installed using Composer.

composer require ongr/router-bundle "~1.0"

Enable Router and Elasticsearch bundles in your AppKernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\ONGRElasticsearchBundle(),
        new ONGR\RouterBundle\ONGRRouterBundle(),

Yep, that's it, 1 step installation. All the next steps are demonstration how to setup product document with SEO URLs. So look below how easy it is and adapt it for your needs.

Step 2: Add configuration

Add minimal configuration for Router and Elasticsearch bundles.

# app/config/config.yml

                type: custom
                tokenizer: keyword
                filter: [lowercase]
            index_name: acme
                    - urlAnalyzer
            connection: default
                - AppBundle

    manager: es.manager.default
        'AppBundle:Product': AppBundle:Product:document
        # ...

WARNING: If SeoAwareTrait is used you must implement urlAnalyzer analyzer, otherwise there will be a fatal error on index create.

At _controller you define controller and action for every document type. _route is a name of this route and it can be used at path generation.

urlAnalyzer at ongr_elasticsearch configuration defines how all url fields are analyzed by Elasticsearch.

Check Elasticsearch bundle mappings docs for more information about the configuration.

Usage example

Step 1: Create a Product document

Lets create a Product document class. We assume that we have an AppBundle installed.

// src/AppBundle/Document/Product.php

namespace AppBundle\Document;

use ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\Annotation as ES;
use ONGR\RouterBundle\Document\SeoAwareTrait;

 * @ES\Document()
class Product
    use SeoAwareTrait; // <- Trait for URL's

     * @ES\Property(type="string")
    public $title;

    // ...

In favor to support friendly URLs, the bundle provides SeoAwareTrait with predefined mapping.

Step 2: Create controller and action for the product page

// src/AppBundle/Controller/ProductController.php

namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use AppBundle\Document\Product;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class ProductController extends Controller
    public function documentAction(Product $document)
        return new Response("Product: " . $document->title);

Step 3: Create index and insert demo product

Create an elasticsearch index by running this command in your terminal:

    app/console ongr:es:index:create

More info about all commands can be found in the Elasticsearch bundle commands chapter.

Also, run the following curl command in your terminal to insert a product for this demonstration.

    curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/acme/product?pretty=1' -d '{"title":"Acoustic Guitar", "url":"/music/electric-guitar"}'

Step 4: Check if it works

Just visit /music/electric-guitar page and you should see a title of the product that you inserted in step 3.


This bundle is under the MIT license. Please, see the complete license in the bundle LICENSE file.


Bundle for ONGR routing.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%