jmamma / MCL

MCL firmware for the MegaCommand MIDI Controller.

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SDDrive seems broken?

jmamma opened this issue · comments


Snapshot restore is broken.

Tried dropping midi speed to 1x.

Get SYSEX error code 1. Globals are all messed up.

Some patterns completely erased ?

Just tested a complete rec/dump using C6 and the TM-1. No problems. So problem is not on the MD side.


implementation doesnt look correct.

edit: looks okay.

Just checked 2.70 . No problems with X.03

commit b923b202d187df5bd879bd0a49a38c268e9f412b
Author: Yatao Li <>
Date:   Wed Sep 2 20:43:14 2020 +0800

    super-charged refactor: unify ElektronDevice implementations

I'm guessing this broke sysex transmission ^ @yatli

Won't be able to release 3.0 until this one is sorted.


Kit and Global transmission is okay. It's the pattern transmission that is broken.

MD SYSEX verify is not showing any transmission errors. so length + checksum calc must be okay, but payload is bad.

 91   MDPattern() : ElektronPattern() {
 92     maxSteps = 64;
 93     maxParams = 24;
 94     maxTracks = 16;
 95     maxLocks = 64;
 97     isExtraPattern = false;
 98     init();
 99   }
101   /* XXX TODO extra pattern 64 */

^^ @yatli TODO ??

  uint8_t i = 0;

  MD.setSysexRecPos(8, i + 1); 

This is test routine is working ^ so encode /decode must be okay.

Problem must be SD storage? templates perhaps?

 21   template <class T> bool read_data_v(T *data, FatFile *filep) {
 22     auto ret = read_data(data, sizeof(T), filep);
 25     ::new(data)T;
 26     return ret;
 27   }

::new calls the constructor.

i.e isExtraPattern = false; 

Called by the constructor!

43     /** Clear the pattern. */
 44     void init() {
 45         clearPattern();
 46     }   

What happened today 0.0

more 🐛 🐞

dev branch? I'll take a look

no, master.

the problem is the constructor call.. in

21 template bool read_data_v(T *data, FatFile *filep) {
22 auto ret = read_data(data, sizeof(T), filep);
25 ::new(data)T;
26 return ret;
27 }

it indirectly calls clearPattern();

Only happens for MDPattern?


Was there a vtable in previous versions of MDPattern.. if not, the schema has changed and old .snp's won't be compatible

clearPattern is called even twice 0.0

I just checked 2.70 -- the inheritance tree is intact -- MDPattern -> ElektronPattern
And the same init sequence: MDPattern ctor calls ElektronPattern ctor calls clearPattern, then MDPattern ctor calls init()

The twist is... in 2.70, MDPattern::clearPattern is not explicitly called, and MDPattern::clearPattern is not declared as virtual, and thus base instead calls the base implementation clearPattern() {}, so the pattern isn't cleared at all 😱


I fixed a bug where the derived class doesn't properly declare virtual methods, and then it backfired (

@jmamma dinner time. Will fix this 0.5~1.0 hrs later