jmacdonald / amp

A complete text editor for your terminal.

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problems with version from master branch

pbgc opened this issue · comments



Out of curiosity I built the version from master branch and tried to use it.
I got some problems ... with some actions giving me [A or [B characters inserted and ESC key not functioning (hence could not leave edit mode).

This, for example, happens doing this:

  • Open a file
  • Press i
  • Press ESC and UP key right after

I'm on macOS 10.14.4

I filed this issue to try to help! I apologize if this is a known issue and WIP ... and in that case please close the issue.

Pedro Costa

Hi Pedro!

Thanks for opening this issue. I haven't given the updated version a spin on MacOS, but amp's input model has fundamentally changed so it's entirely possible we've introduced a regression. I'll give this a go to see if I can reproduce.

Ok @pbgc, using Alacritty on MacOS 10.14 doesn't expose the issue you're having. What terminal emulator are you using?


@jmacdonald I finally solved this!

The problems above and several other strange things ... was being caused by the fact that there was a BIG delay on ESC key action !!!

Searching and after looking at:
that pointed me to:

adding the line
set -s escape-time 0
to my .tmux.conf file ... got all problems away!

I don't understand why this only was happening with Alacritty and not iterm2 or term ... and 0.52 worked without problem in all ... but now I'm not having any problem!

@pbgc nice find! Thanks for sharing the solution, and closing this issue. 🙂