jma127 / pyltr

Python learning to rank (LTR) toolkit

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

question about calculating NDCG score

Eku0194 opened this issue · comments

Your code shows :
class NDCG(Metric):
def init(self, k=10, gain_type='exp2'):
super(NDCG, self).init()
self.k = k
self.gain_type = gain_type
self._dcg = DCG(k=k, gain_type=gain_type)
self._ideals = {}

def evaluate(self, qid, targets):
    return (self._dcg.evaluate(qid, targets) /
            max(_EPS, self._get_ideal(qid, targets)))


  1. Is evaluate method used to calculate the NDCG score of the model?
    If yes, then what is the format of targets ? Is it the array of labels for each query-document pair?
    If No, then how do we calculate NDCG score of the selected model?

Hello! targets is an ordered list of relevance scores, where targets[0] is the top of the result set. And the evaluate() method is used to calculate the NDCG score of each individual result set. You could sum and divide by n to get the average NDCG across the dataset.

Thank you, Jerry.
So, the relevance score is the result of the ranking function?
In order to calculate average NDCG for multiple queries at once - do I have to sum all the NDCG score of each individual result set and then divide by n or I need to calculate average NDCG per query_id and then divide it by the total no. of queries?

There's a one-to-one correspondence between a query and a result set (i.e. if n denotes the number of result sets, then n is equal to the total number of queries).

Thank you so much, Jerry!