jluttine / junction-tree

The junction tree algorithm for (discrete) factor graphs

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Integer keys not working

jluttine opened this issue · comments

For some reason, integer keys for variables aren't working:

>>> x = "x"; y = "y"; jt.create_junction_tree([ [x], [x, y] ], {x: 10, y: 20})
JunctionTree(tree=[0], separators=[], clique_tree=CliqueGraph(maxcliques=[['x', 'y']], factor_to_maxclique=[0, 0], factor_graph=FactorGraph(factors=[['x'], ['x', 'y']], sizes={'x': 10, 'y': 20})))

>>> x = 0; y = 1; jt.create_junction_tree([ [x], [x, y] ], {x: 10, y: 20})
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-55375988fd6f> in <module>()
----> 1 x = 0; y = 1; jt.create_junction_tree([ [x], [x, y] ], {x: 10, y: 20})

/nix/store/h87wncs2h5w7fmfh0yf55m36bbgk6kvd-python3.6-junctiontree-0.1.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/junctiontree/junctiontree.py in create_junction_tree(factors, sizes)
     13     assert all(type(l) == list for l in factors), "Provided factor is not a list"
     14     fg = FactorGraph(factors=factors, sizes=sizes)
---> 15     return fg.triangulate().create_junction_tree()

/nix/store/h87wncs2h5w7fmfh0yf55m36bbgk6kvd-python3.6-junctiontree-0.1.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/junctiontree/junctiontree.py in triangulate(self)
    106         (_, _, maxcliques, factor_to_maxclique) = bp.find_triangulation(
    107             self.factors,
--> 108             self.sizes
    109         )

/nix/store/h87wncs2h5w7fmfh0yf55m36bbgk6kvd-python3.6-junctiontree-0.1.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/junctiontree/beliefpropagation.py in find_triangulation(factors, key_sizes)
    147     heap, entry_finder = initialize_triangulation_heap(
    148                                             key_sizes,
--> 149                                             edges
    150     )

/nix/store/h87wncs2h5w7fmfh0yf55m36bbgk6kvd-python3.6-junctiontree-0.1.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/junctiontree/beliefpropagation.py in initialize_triangulation_heap(key_sizes, edges)
    245     """
--> 247     heap, entry_finder = update_heap(key_sizes.keys(), edges, key_sizes)
    249     return heap, entry_finder

/nix/store/h87wncs2h5w7fmfh0yf55m36bbgk6kvd-python3.6-junctiontree-0.1.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/junctiontree/beliefpropagation.py in update_heap(remaining_keys, edges, key_sizes, heap, entry_finder)
    279     for key in remaining_keys:
    280         rem_neighbors = [(set(edge) - set(key)).pop()
--> 281                             for edge in edges if key in edge and len(set(remaining_keys).intersection(edge)) == 2]
    283         # determine how many of key's remaining neighbors need to be connected

/nix/store/h87wncs2h5w7fmfh0yf55m36bbgk6kvd-python3.6-junctiontree-0.1.2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/junctiontree/beliefpropagation.py in <listcomp>(.0)
    279     for key in remaining_keys:
    280         rem_neighbors = [(set(edge) - set(key)).pop()
--> 281                             for edge in edges if key in edge and len(set(remaining_keys).intersection(edge)) == 2]
    283         # determine how many of key's remaining neighbors need to be connected

TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

It shouldn't matter what the keys are as long as they are something that can be used as keys in a dictionary. Why doesn't it work? I don't see any reason why a variable key should be iterable. Any ideas @dar326?

When performing a set operation, I needed to convert the key into a single element iterable. Failing to do this was not an issue with string keys but it causes the above error when using integer keys.

#6 fixes this bug. Closing.