jluchman / domin

Dominance Analysis: Stata Implementation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Question about domin in relation to non-linear models

Ellesaere opened this issue · comments

Dear Mr. Luchman,

Thank you for this great command. I have one question however. You refer to a paper by Grömping (2007), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1198/000313007X188252, in relation to the workings of this command. However, as far as I understand, that paper only refers to linear models. Is there any source on applying these methods to non-linear models (such as the glm for example)?

Kind Regards,


Hi Tom,

In short, you can and a more complete response is available on Statalist.

Tom, I realize you were the poster on Statalist as well. I have included this link here for others with a similar question/for posterity.

  • joe