jlguenego / node-expose-sspi

Expose Microsoft Windows SSPI to Node for SSO authentication.

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BlitzJS Reverse Proxy Error

kalshair opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to utilize this library with BlitzJS? If so, how? I'm trying to get this to work and I'm struggling. Currently, when I try to access it through a reverse proxy, I get the following error:

2022-07-01 17:30:32.766 ERROR Error while processing the request

UnauthorizedError Error while doing SSO: serverContextHandle not retrieved.
message: 'Error while doing SSO: serverContextHandle not retrieved.'
error stack:
• auth.ts:246

• auth.ts:248

• .blitz.config.compiled.js:26

• .blitz.config.compiled.js:24 authPromise

• .blitz.config.compiled.js:32 config.middleware.res.blitzCtx.sso

• middleware.ts:130 dispatch

• middleware.ts:137

• middleware.ts:64 handleRequestWithMiddleware

• api-utils.ts:25 apiResolver

UnauthorizedError: Error while doing SSO: serverContextHandle not retrieved.
at C:{appname and directory}\node_modules@conterra\node-expose-sspi\dist\sso\auth.js:193:48
at C:{appname and directory}\node_modules@conterra\node-expose-sspi\dist\sso\auth.js:195:11
at C:{appname and directory}.blitz.config.compiled.js:26:5
at new Promise ()
at authPromise (C:{appname and directory}.blitz.config.compiled.js:24:10)
at config.middleware.res.blitzCtx.sso (C:{appname and directory}.blitz.config.compiled.js:32:13)
at dispatch (C:\web-apps\allocations-webapp\node_modules\next\dist\server\middleware.js:90:40)
at C:{appname and directory}\node_modules\next\dist\server\middleware.js:96:16
at Object.handleRequestWithMiddleware (C:\web-apps\allocations-webapp\node_modules\next\dist\server\middleware.js:41:15)
at Object.apiResolver (C:{appname and directory}\node_modules\next\dist\server\api-utils.js:112:36)

Furthermore, I still have to login to my Windows account when accessing it directly through the IP Address and port, though that's not AS BIG of an issue.

Originally posted by @kalshair in #150