jlevers / selling-partner-api

A PHP client library for Amazon's Selling Partner API

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listFinancialEventGroups: No Details in closed EventGroups

Magellanth opened this issue · comments


i am using listFinancialEventGroups() in FinancesV0Api to get the FinancialEeventGroups for the past few Months.

  $response = $api->listFinancialEventGroups(100,null,$createdAfter,null);   

The expected FinancialEeventGroups are in the response but missing some Information, when processing_status is "closed" the "original_total" is null. The 'error' in the response is null.

Example part from the response:

 [financial_event_group_list] => array
                    [0] => SellingPartnerApi\Model\FinancesV0\FinancialEventGroup#3
                        [*:container] => array
                            [financial_event_group_id] => 'xxx'
                            [processing_status] => 'Open'
                            [fund_transfer_status] => null
                            [original_total] => SellingPartnerApi\Model\FinancesV0\Currency#4
                                [*:container] => array
                                    [currency_code] => 'EUR'
                                    [currency_amount] => 269.83
                            [converted_total] => null
                            [fund_transfer_date] => null
                            [trace_id] => null
                            [account_tail] => null
                            [beginning_balance] => SellingPartnerApi\Model\FinancesV0\Currency#5
                                [*:container] => array
                                    [currency_code] => 'EUR'
                                    [currency_amount] => 0
                            [financial_event_group_start] => '2023-08-07T22:30:32Z'
                            [financial_event_group_end] => null
                    [1] => SellingPartnerApi\Model\FinancesV0\FinancialEventGroup#6
                        [*:container] => array
                            [financial_event_group_id] => 'xxx'
                            [processing_status] => 'Closed'
                            [fund_transfer_status] => null
                            [original_total] => null
                            [converted_total] => null
                            [fund_transfer_date] => null
                            [trace_id] => null
                            [account_tail] => null
                            [beginning_balance] => SellingPartnerApi\Model\FinancesV0\Currency#7
                                [*:container] => array
                                    [currency_code] => 'EUR'
                                    [currency_amount] => 0
                            [financial_event_group_start] => '2023-07-24T22:30:32Z'
                            [financial_event_group_end] => '2023-08-07T22:30:32Z'

Am i missing something? Or is this some kind of access issue?

I am experiencing the same, have you find out anything more about this?

Not yet, i had no time for further investigation. I'll keep you updated.