jlesage / docker-makemkv

Docker container for MakeMKV

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Makemkv License issue

dzf6565 opened this issue · comments

Current Behavior

At startup there's a license expired message.

Expected Behavior


Steps To Reproduce

No response


  • OS:
  • OS version:
  • CPU:
  • Docker version: 23.11.2
  • Device model:
  • Browser/OS:

Container creation

Capture d’écran 2024-05-07 132018

Container log


Container inspect

No response

Anything else?

No response

This is expected. See https://github.com/jlesage/docker-makemkv?tab=readme-ov-file#expired-beta-key

Once the beta key expires, we need to wait for the author of MakeMKV to provide a new one. You can also buy a license key to prevent these disruptions.

How long does it usually take until we get a new key?

Usually a few days. You can check here: https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1053
Once a new key is available, you can restart to container to automatically pick it up.

I've entered my MAKEMKV_KEY using the environmental variable, but still getting that message when it starts up

Nevermind. I'm an idiot.

For all people waiting: New key has been released. I think the issue can be closed.

Great, thanks for the update !

Can you tell me how to make this work? As of now, there is a beta key in the forum, which is valid until end of June.

I tried with and without:


but it made no difference. I get the following:

MakeMKV v1.17.6 linux(x64-release) started
Automatic checking for updates is enabled, you may disable it in preferences if you don't want MakeMKV to contact web server.
The program can't find any usable optical drives.
This application version is too old.  Please download the latest version at http://www.makemkv.com/ or enter a registration key to continue using the current version.

Serious? The program is legit telling you whats the problem: The program can't find any usable optical drives. and This application version is too old.

Update your container and reconfigure your optical drives. And try to read error messages in futures.

That message is meaningless, I'm only using it to convert BDMV folder on the hard drive. (Worked perfectly with that line for ages). Also, the latest container is not the latest version of the software, so I'd need to turn off that update mechanism somehow.

Also, the latest container is not the latest version of the software

I will update.

Thanks! Can you also add an ENV var to disable the update check?

Thanks! Can you also add an ENV var to disable the update check?

what purpose would that serve? you can disable checks in makemkv settings, but you will loose the ability to pull down new keys and have to do it manually

You can try to set/add the following line to /config/settings.conf

app_UpdateEnable = "0"

You can try to set/add the following line to /config/settings.conf

app_UpdateEnable = "0"

Yes, that's the line, I just don't know how to combine it with beta key behavior. Probably env var would be the easiest option to do this.

Is the goal to avoid the This application version is too old. error ? I think you might have the same problem even with update disabled. Can you try to manually edit settings.conf and verify if that's the case ?

as far as i know the software is time limited internally, hense the version bump with no changes

Is there a way to set the date inside a docker container?

This is something that as been discussed here: #79

But now, with the new image, you should be good to go.

Thanks, it works now! I was just thinking about ways to make your life easier in the future, but if you are happy to always push an update when the app receives one than it's good of course.