jlengstorf / lengstorf.com

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footnotes are broken for some posts

aqandrew opened this issue · comments


Hey Jason! I've found myself in the Gatsby community recently while learning React. After catching glimpses of your raised eyebrow and bald head both on Twitter and among the Gatsby contributors, I decided to check out learnwithjason.dev and your blog. Super inspiring stuff! Between your videos and writing about modern JavaScript tools, design, working (freelance) remotely, and sensible productivity strategies, I'm hooked.

One thing I noticed is that the footnotes for some of your blog posts have been pulled out of the popup <aside>. Do you think the problem lies within useFootnotes in the gatsby-theme-jason-blog plugin, gatsby-remark-numbered-footnotes, or elsewhere?



The footnote appears as expected.


Not working, Exhibit A

Footnote text is missing from the popup box, and appears as a paragraph where it's defined:


Not working, Exhibit B

Footnote text is missing from popup box...


Only to appear as paragraphs at the bottom of the page.


ah, crap. I think I know what this is, and it’s a really annoying whitespace parsing issue 😔

I’ll try my suspected fix out and see if it works