jkuszmaul / boat

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status

This repository contains the code meant to run on the boat for the WPI Sailbot in the 2016-2017 school year.


The exact locations of things is a bit subject to change right now, but:

  • The top level is reserved for build file, READMEs, etc.
  • ipc/ contains the code for, well, IPC.
  • util/ contains what is, right now, any other infrastructure-related code

Building and Running the Code

I have been using Bazel for the build system. If you install bazel on your system, you should be able to run bazel build //... to build all of the code.

Unfortunately, I have not yet integrated all of the dependencies with bazel and there are almost certainly prerequisites missing beyond that which I list here:

  • A C++ compiler that bazel will recognize/locate (I assume gcc and clang both work)
  • Probably some other things I'm missing

In order to compile for the BBB, use bazel build --cpu=bbb //some/target:here

Tests and Examples

There are a few tests/examples that I have throughout the code:

  • //ipc:queue_test needs system resources in order to run, and so must be run manually, rather than through bazel test.
  • //util:ping, //util:pong, and //util:logger_main can be run simultaneously to test out the framework and see how it works. The logs can then be read back using the example //util:log_reader_main


  • Clean up build process so it has fewer prerequisites and is generally cleaner
    • Also, the gtest download/build should be cleaned up
  • Documentaion (always)
  • More unit testing
  • Validate system more thoroughly
  • Get started on hardware-specific libraries
  • Set up cross-compilation for BBB (Mostly done)
  • Separate out ping, pong, and log examples into separate location
  • Set up infrastructure for log replay
    • Actually replaying the logs
  • Take a closer look at Boost's implementation of queues


  • We are using proto2, not proto3, because I (James) observed some oddities where ParseFromArray would Clear the message and force re-allocation of internal sub-messages. Still not 100% sure why proto2 is working better than 3.



Language:C++ 49.3%Language:C 26.1%Language:Python 19.2%Language:JavaScript 2.2%Language:Protocol Buffer 1.9%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:CSS 0.0%