jknowles / merTools

Convenience functions for working with merMod objects from lme4

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

merModList functions not all exported and registered correctly

jknowles opened this issue · comments

Generic functions for merModList objects not quite right, via e-mail:

Just checked again – print now works fine with the merModlist object (appears to give the pooled estimates with Rubin correction) as does fixef and summary (which gives all 10 model outputs), but the functions print.merModList, print.summary.merModList, and summary.merModList still don’t appear to be in the current version.

And here's an example:

sim_list <- replicate(n = 10,
        expr = sleepstudy[sample(row.names(sleepstudy), 180),],
fml <- "Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)"
mod <- lmerModList(fml, data = sim_list)

print, summary, and print.summary don't work.

fastdisp and fastdisp, detail = TRUE do work though

#105 will close this