jkbrzt / rrule

JavaScript library for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates as defined in the iCalendar RFC and more.

Home Page:https://jkbrzt.github.io/rrule

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Warning __spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib'

ztefanie opened this issue · comments

Reporting an issue

Thank you for taking an interest in rrule! Please include the following in
your report:
I get this warning after installing rrule with yarn:
WARNING in ../node_modules/rrule/dist/esm/masks.js 20:187-200 export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)

using rrule version 2.7.2
using tslib version 2.5.0

  • Verify that you've looked through existing issues for duplicates before
    creating a new one
  • Code sample reproducing the issue. Be sure to include all input values you
    are using such as the exact RRule string and dates.
  • Expected output
    No errors or warnings.
  • Actual output
    78 warning with the above message
  • The version of rrule you are using
    Version 2.6.9 is working just fine.
  • Your operating system
    Linux Mint 20.3 Una
  • Your local timezone (run $ date from the command line
    of the machine showing the bug)
    Do 2. Mär 08:37:36 CET 2023