jjzhang166 / grav

OpenGL-based RTP video viewer.

Home Page:https://grav.rc.rit.edu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


grav is a GL-based application for receiving & displaying many videos, using RTP. Primarily intended for videoconferencing/telepresence/etc applications, all videos are displayed in a canvas-style window, with a globe displayed in the background for geographical correlation, as well as automatic grouping, both based on RTCP metadata.


For more info, see the grav trac instance at https://grav.rc.rit.edu. This README file is the 'authoritative source' for documentation [1], but the trac instance is where to go for filing/finding bug tickets/issues.


Compiling on Linux

  1. Make sure to get all the dependencies (see below). Here's an example for Ubuntu or Debian-style Linux distros:

    apt-get install git-core scons subversion cmake ffmpeg libpng12-dev \
         libpng12-0 wx2.8-headers libwxgtk2.8-0 libwxgtk2.8-dev libftgl-dev \
         libftgl2 python-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev  libglew1.5-dev \
         libglew1.5 libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libavutil-dev \
         libavformat-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev

    Or on a redhat based distro:

    yum install git scons subversion cmake libpng-devel libpng wxGTK-devel \
         wxGTK ftgl-devel ftgl python-devel mesa-libGLU-devel mesa-libGLU \
         glew-devel glew

    Note that Fedora doesn't ship with FFmpeg, which greatly enhances codec support. You can either build it from source as is detailed below in step 2, or you can do the following to acquire it from rpmfusion.org:

    yum localinstall --nogpgcheck \
         http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-rawhide.noarch.rpm \
    yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
  2. IF you need to compile FFmpeg (OPTIONAL - you can get FFmpeg from a package but note you need libavcodec version 52 or newer)...

    1. Get FFmpeg 0.6 (or newer) from ffmpeg's website (libav also works) and do:

      ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale \
           --enable-pthreads --enable-debug --enable-shared

      then compile & sudo make install (make install will probably install to /usr/local/lib by default). Note that if you also have a system copy of FFmpeg installed, there may be conflicts. See [2]. Also note, with new versions of ffmpeg/libav, some of the libavcodec functions may be deprecated. There are examples of the new functions commented out in the VPMedia source (mostly in video/mpeg4/mpeg4.cpp) There may be issues with padding/the EMU_EDGE flag in very new versions as well (causes artifacts in certain size videos)

  3. SVN checkout the UCL common library from here: https://mediatools.cs.ucl.ac.uk/repos/mmedia e.g.:

    svn co $MMEDIA_URL ucl-common
    1. In the common lib directory, do a standard:

      sudo make install
    2. Or, if you don't want to install (will go to /usr/local/lib by default) just do make and copy the .a file to the eventual grav build directory or somewhere CMake can find it.

  4. SVN checkout VPMedia from here: https://svn.ci.uchicago.edu/svn/if-media/:

    svn co https://svn.ci.uchicago.edu/svn/if-media/VPMedia VPMedia
    1. In the VPMedia directory, do:

      scons configure
      sudo scons install
    2. If you don't want to install this, follow the same instructions for the common lib, except with scons to build.

  5. Obtain grav Source

    1. If you want the grav source in order to install and use grav, get a snapshot tarball from https://github.com/adhesion/grav/tarball/master:

      wget --no-check-certificate -O grav-latest.tar.gz $TAR_URL
      tar -xzvf grav-latest.tar.gz
    2. OR, if you want the grav source in order to contribute to or develop grav, fork and clone the upstream repository located at http://github.com/adhesion/grav. You may want to read the general github documentation and their documentation on forking projects in particular.

  6. Cmake grav

    1. Start the CMake GUI (cmake-gui)

      1. Select target (most likely Unix makefiles for Linux), point its source directory to the top-level grav directory (ie, the one that has include/, src/ and CMakeLists.txt), and point the build directory to a new directory (for ease of use), ie mkdir Build/ and point CMake's build dir there.
      2. Click configure, which will tell you if any dependencies are missing (on Linux, lots of the automatically found X11 libs are optional, so don't worry if those are missing), and allow you to change any build settings - it is recommended to enter a build type into CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE so that various cflags get set sanely (ie, to enable -g debug symbols and #def for enabling debug keys for debug, or -O optimizations for release). The supported build types are DEBUG, RELWITHDEBINFO, RELEASE, and MINSIZEREL. Click configure again to solidify settings and click generate to generate Makefiles.
      3. Go to the build directory you specified and run make.
    2. Or run Cmake in a Build Directory like so. Note build variables can be set on the command line in cmake:

               -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=True /path/to/gravroot
  7. To run grav, run from the top level dir so it can find the resources there (ie, if your build dir is Build/, run Build/grav [options]), or, you can do a make install which will copy the resources and binary to the location specified by the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.


Keep in mind, for the library dependencies you'll need the -dev package (headers) as well as the regular runtime library.


  • Subversion
  • CMake
  • Scons preferably version 1.2 or later, not sure if older versions will work
  • git (git-core)

For VPMedia:

  • UCL common lib (UCL version recommended, if-media version also works but is not actively developed)
  • FFmpeg: libavcodec.52+ (see above - make sure you have version 52 (or newer) of libavcodec or you'll need to compile yourself), libavutil, libavformat, libswscale
  • libpthread
  • libdv (for DV support - optional)
  • libtheora (optional)

From grav:

  • GL
  • GLU
  • GLEW:
    • Note this means ~1.5 or later, probably 1.5.8. 1.3.5 (provided version on CentOS 5.5, for example) does not prevent GLX from getting included afterwards, which causes a conflict with wxGLCanvas. Therefore, if you don't have GLEW ~1.5 or above in your repositories, you'll have to compile it from source - get a source tarball from here: http://glew.sourceforge.net/ and compiling it should be a simple make install.
    • Ubuntu 10.10 also has this issue, glx.h from both mesa and nvidia have a different #define which screws up the include prevention that GLEW 1.5.2 does in glxew.h. Solution is the same, get GLEW 1.5.8 and compile & install.
  • FTGL (in turn requires libfreetype)
  • libpng
  • wx 2.8 (including OpenGL support)
  • python 2.6 (for AG venue client control, could be optional but isn't optional in the build process yet)


Command Line Usage

Usage: grav [-h] [-vr] [-v] [-vpv] [-t] [-nt] [-np] [-es] [-bf] [-ht <str>] [-fps <num>] [-fs] [-am]
            [-ga] [-avl] [-arav <num>] [-agvs] [-a <str>] [-vk <str>] [-ak <str>] [-sx <num>]
            [-sy <num>] [-sw <num>] [-sh <num>] video address...
  -h, --help                                    displays this help message
  -vr, --version                                print version string
  -v, --verbose                                 verbose command line output for grav
  -vpv, --vpmedia-verbose                       verbose command line output for VPMedia (network/RTP/
                                                decoding backend)
  -t, --threads                                 threading separation of graphics and network/decoding
                                                (this is the default, option left in for legacy purposes)
  -nt, --no-threads                             disables threading separation of graphics and network/decoding
  -np, --no-python                              disables python tools, including Access Grid integration
  -es, --enable-shaders                         enable GLSL shader-based colorspace conversion if it would
                                                be available (experimental, may not look as good, adds CPU
                                                usage to rendering thread)
  -bf, --use-buffer-font                        enable buffer font rendering method - may save memory and be
                                                better for slower machines, but doesn't scale as well CPU-wise
                                                for many objects
  -ht, --header=<str>                           header string
  -fps, --framerate=<num>                       framerate for rendering
  -fs, --fullscreen                             start in fullscreen mode
  -am, --automatic                              automatically focus on single objects, rotating through the
                                                list at regular intervals
  -ga, --gridauto                               rearrange all objects in grid on source add/remove
  -avl, --available-video-list                  add supplied video addresses to available list, rather than
                                                immediately connect to them
  -arav, --auto-rotate-available-video=<num>    rotate through available video sessions every [num] seconds
  -agvs, --get-ag-venue-streams                 grab video sessions from Access Grid venue client, if running
  -a, --audio=<str>                             RTP audio session address (only used for highlighting/centering
                                                corresponding video)
  -vk, --video-key=<str>                        encryption key for initial video sessions
  -ak, --audio-key=<str>                        encryption key for initial audio sessions
  -sx, --start-x=<num>                          initial X position for main window
  -sy, --start-y=<num>                          initial Y position for main window
  -sw, --start-width=<num>                      initial width for main window
  -sh, --start-height=<num>                     initial height for main window

Keyboard Shortcuts

     (backspace)    Clear selection.
        (escape)    Quit.
               +    Upscale selected objects.
               -    Downscale selected objects.
               =    Upscale selected objects.
               F    Rearrange objects to focus on selected objects.
               G    Toggle site grouping.
               H    Print this help message to the commandline.
               L    Toggle group locks.
               M    Mute selected objects.
               N    Scale selected videos to native size.
               P    Arrange objects around the perimeter of the screen.
               R    Arrange objects into a grid.
               T    Rearrange groups.
               U    Update group names.
               X    Toggle rendering of selected objects.
   alt + (enter)    Toggle fullscreen.
         alt + A    Toggle 'automatic' mode (rotating focus)
         alt + R    Toggle runway visibility.
        ctrl + A    Select all.
        ctrl + I    Invert selection.
        ctrl + Q    Quit.
        ctrl + V    Toggle venue client controller visibility.
       shift + F    Fullscreen selected object (includes border and text).
       shift + N    Scale all videos to native size.
shift + ctrl + D    Toggle graphics debugging information.
shift + ctrl + F    Fullscreen selected object (video/inner contents of object).


All video streams in the multicast group(s) you are connected to will automatically be displayed. To move objects, you can click on them and click on a destination, or click-and-drag. For selecting multiple objects, click-and-drag starting from empty space for a box selection, or ctrl-click on a video to add it to the selection. You can invert a selection with ctrl-i. Resize selected objects with + (or =) and -. To select all objects, press ctrl-a.


In addition to being manipulated as described above, video objects can be muted (will not decode or process) with m or have their rendering disabled with x (will still decode/process in the background but only display the last frame). If the runway is visible, muting videos will send them there (see "Runway" section below for info). Videos can be scaled to their native size with n (size all videos to native size with shift-n). Right-clicking with videos selected will bring up an option for a properties window which will display resolution, codec, and metadata info.


grav includes a few automatic layout algorithms. Press r to rearrange objects in a grid. Press p to arrange objects in a perimeter around the earth. Press f with objects selected to focus on selected objects in the center and move others around them. shift-f and ctrl-shift-f will fullscreen a selected object, including the border and excluding the border respectively.

alt-a will enable automatic mode. When automatic mode is on, grav will focus on a single object, and focus will automatically rotate between objects at a regular interval. Automatic mode can also be toggled in the view menu.


Videos can be grouped by siteID (metadata that comes from Access Grid). Press g to enable siteID groups - videos will be added to their groups automatically. Pressing g again will disable siteID grouping, dissociate videos from their siteID groups and delete the siteID groups. Press l on a selected group to unlock it - unlocking allows you to move a group's members independently of it, and its unlocked status will be noted in its displayed name. Note that resizing a group will automatically rearrange its members if it is in the locked state. You can also manually rearrange internal group members by pressing t.

Session Management

All addresses listed on the command line will be added as video sessions. Sessions can be added or removed at runtime with the side window. Sessions can also be temporarily disabled via the right-click menu - disabling a session will not process the incoming packets but you will still receive the data.

Video sessions can also be added to an "available video" list, meaning they will not be automatically connected to on startup, and when in this list only one can be connected to at a time. Adding -avl on the command line will added given sessions to the available video list. Available video sessions can be rotated through manually via the right-click menu on the rotated video group in the side window, or automatically every X seconds with the -arav (seconds) command line option. In addition, sessions can be shifted between the main list and the available video list via the right-click menu in the side window.

In addition, sessions can be manipulated via the visual session manager which appears at the bottom of the main screen on mouseover. Sessions can be shifted between the main & available lists by click-and-drag. Double-click on a session in the available list to switch to it. Double-click the bottom left play/pause button to toggle automatic rotation of available video sessions.


The runway is a side area for muted videos (press m on a video to mute it). To remove a video from the runway, simply drag it out of the runway area. The runway will be hidden when turning on automatic mode, or you can manually enable/disable it with alt-r.

Venue Client Controller

If you have the Access Grid toolkit installed, grav can control the Access Grid Venue Client, mainly via changing venues. To bring up the Venue Client Controller menu, either press ctrl-v or toggle it via the entry in the view menu. If you do not have Access Grid installed, do not have a Venue Client running, or if a running Venue Client is not in a venue, this option will not be available.

In the Venue Client controller menu, different venue connections will be shown. Double click on a venue to signal the Venue Client to move to that venue. Doing so will also automatically grab any video addresses in that venue and add them to the main list of connected video sessions.

To automatically grab video addresses from a running Venue Client when grav is started, use the command line option -agvs.


Press the o key to orbit videos around the globe according to their RTP lat/long position. Rearranging the videos via r, p etc. will disable orbit mode if it is enabled.

Thumbnail Association

Using the --thumbnail-file command line option with the location of a text file will create associations between videos (by name) and alternate addresses (ie, for thumbnailing HD streams). Videos with available alternate addresses (assuming the address is in the available list) will have +HD listed in their bottom right corner. Double-click on video with +HD to switch to its alternate address in the available video list. Text file format is currently name:address/port.


grav (C) 2011-2012 Rochester Institute of Technology.

Authored by Andrew Ford with contributions from Ralph Bean.

grav is free software, released under the GNU GPL. See COPYING for details.

This software uses libraries from the FFmpeg project under the GPLv3.

Earth imagery by NASA from the Visible Earth project.


README.rst authority(!)

This README.rst file is the 'authoritative source' for documentation. The information is duplicated in some place on the grav trac instance at http://grav.rc.rit.edu, but trac can handle the reStructuredText (.rst) format used here and should be updated with changes made here first.

To inform trac to render a block of text (the whole page!) as rST, surround the block with:


<document goes here>


This feature of trac requires that the python docutils package is installed on the server. This is already installed on http://grav.rc.rit.edu, but if another instance is being installed somewhere, the docutils package can be installed with the following command:

easy_install docutils

See http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiRestructuredText for more information.


Gotcha: multiple ffmpegs.

Having another copy of ffmpeg installed on your machine (things like VLC and mplayer might depend on it) will cause conflicts, ie, when running grav or anything that wants to link to the new ffmpeg 0.5 in /usr/local/lib, you will get a "symbol lookup error", probably looking for av_gcd or similar in your system copy of ffmpeg in /usr/lib. To temporarily fix this, run:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

or whichever directory you installed ffmpeg in. Put that command into your startup script if you want to not have to do that each time, though that might break other things that dynamically link to ffmpeg, if they rely on an older version.


OpenGL-based RTP video viewer.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 98.0%Language:Python 1.4%Language:C 0.6%