jjranalli / juice-subgraph

πŸ“Š Juicebox Subgraph implementation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Juicebox Subgraph


Multiple subgraphs are maintained by Peel in a Graph Studio owned by the Peel Gnosis safe.

Juicebox mainnet subgraph is published here: https://thegraph.com/explorer/subgraph?id=FVmuv3TndQDNd2BWARV8Y27yuKKukryKXPzvAS5E7htC&view=Overview

Contract addresses and startBlocks are defined in config/<network>.json

Subgraph data sources (contract definitions and event handlers) are defined in subgraph.template.yaml

subgraph.yaml is gitignored and should not be edited.

Getting started

yarn install

yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli


config/*.json files define addresses and start blocks for contracts on specific networks. Usually, a contract's start block should be the block where that contract was deployed.

Generating subgraph.yaml

Subgraphs are defined by a subgraph.yaml file, which is generated from *.template.yaml files. To make it easier to support multiple contract versions, there is a template file for each version as well as "shared".

Running yarn prep <network> will run scripts/prepare.js to construct a subgraph.yaml file for that network, using yaml template files and the contracts defined in config/<network>.json.

The prepare.js script also performs a safety check for mismatches between the generated subgraph.yaml and the mapping files. Warnings will be shown if:

  • a function is referenced in the subgraph.yaml that isn't defined in any mapping files
  • a function defined in a mapping file isn't referenced in the subgraph.yaml


To deploy a new subgraph version, first prepare the subgraph for the intended network:

yarn prep <network-name> # mainnet, goerli
  • Generates TS types for the schema defined in schema.graphql
  • Compiles new gitignored subgraph.yaml

First you will need to authenticate with the proper deploy key for the given network (you'll only need to do this once).

graph auth --studio ${your-key}

Once authenticated:

graph deploy --studio <subgraph-name>

Note: previous subgraph versions will be automatically archived when new versions are deployed, and must be manually unarchived if needed.

To check health of a deployed subgraph:

curl -X POST -d '{ "query": "{indexingStatuses(subgraphs: [\"<deployment-id>\"]) {synced health fatalError {message block { number } handler } subgraph chains { chainHeadBlock { number } latestBlock { number }}}}"}' https://api.thegraph.com/index-node/graphql


πŸ“Š Juicebox Subgraph implementation.


Language:TypeScript 94.1%Language:JavaScript 5.9%