jiupinjia / stylized-neural-painting

Official Pytorch implementation of the preprint paper "Stylized Neural Painting", in CVPR 2021.

Home Page:https://jiupinjia.github.io/neuralpainter/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

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pre-trained renderer does not exist...

0x-49 opened this issue · comments


this is thrown when I run the command
python demo_prog.py --img_path ./test_images/diamond.jpg --canvas_color 'black' --max_m_strokes 500 --max_divide 5 --renderer markerpen --renderer_checkpoint_dir checkpoints_G_markerpen --net_G zou-fusion-net --disable_preview

Hi @MaximeYao, thanks for your feedback. Did you download the pre-trained renderers and unzipped them to the repo folder correctly?

i did is, this is just for show i gess

Colab notebook fails to download pre-trained data.

zip from Google Drive is not correct zip file.
It only contains html text.
"Google Drive - Virus scan warning"

I have added "confirm=t" to request parameters.
It works now.

response = session.get(URL, params = { 'id' : id, 'confirm' : 't' },