jindulys / ChainPageCollectionView

A custom View with fancy collectionView animation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I want change scale center to left , but some problem.

susuyan opened this issue · comments

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2019-07-13 at 11 03 58

private func configureAttributes(for attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes) {
    guard let collection = collectionView else { return }
    var visibleRect = CGRect()
    visibleRect.origin = collection.contentOffset
    visibleRect.size = collection.bounds.size
    let collectionLeft =  itemSize.width / 2
    let offset = collection.contentOffset.x
    let normalizedLeft =  attributes.center.x  - offset

    let maxDistance =  self.itemSize.width
    let distance = min(abs(collectionLeft - normalizedLeft), maxDistance)
    let ratio = (maxDistance - distance)/maxDistance
    let scale = ratio * (1 - sideItemScale) + sideItemScale

    var t = CATransform3DIdentity
    t = CATransform3DScale(t,  scale, scale, 1.0)
    attributes.zIndex = Int(scale * 10)
    attributes.transform3D = t
    //  change item space,  
