jimradford / superputty

The SuperPuTTY Window Manager for putty sessions

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Missing SuperPuTTY x64 release build (64bit/64 bit)

Neustradamus opened this issue · comments

Dear SuperPuTTY team, @jimradford,

Thanks for release from today but SuperPuTTY x64 (64bit/64 bit) release build is always missing.

Can you create this important missing release build?

Thanks in advance.

@Neustradamus What makes this important?

Taken from the link below:
The IL code generated by the C# compiler doesn't care or even know (in general) whether it's going to be running as 32 bit or 64 bit. The JIT compiler takes care of that. So managed code can easily be run on either platform.


Are you having a specific issue with running the release binaries on a 64 bit windows platform?

@jimradford: Sorry for the delay!

It is like to create 32 bit application because 16 bit works?

You can look information on official PuTTY website:

SuperPuTTY, written in .NET doesn't care if you use a 32 or 64 bit version of putty you can use either. Did you read the link I provided?

I think you might not be understanding, for the SuperPuTTY application, there is zero advantage or purpose to having two binary releases, you literally get nothing from it other than the zip file being labeled "64 bit". It does not/will not perform any different from what you are downloading, installing, and using right now.