jimhester / knitrBootstrap

A framework to create bootstrap styled HTML reports from knitr Rmarkdown.

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custom.header option

kevinykuo opened this issue · comments

How does it work? I tried passing a file name, e.g. "myheader.html" in the same directoy but the resulting HTML doesn't include any of "myheader.html"s contents.

#52 @khughitt

How are you specifying the location? The way I use it now is to set the parameter in the YAML block, e.g.:

    title: "TITLE"
    theme: flatly
    theme.chooser: true
    highlight.chooser: true
    custom.header: "resources/header.html"

This should result in any of the contents from the file being included before the closing </head> element.

That worked, thanks!

I was trying to specify it via opts_knit$set().