jimhester / knitrBootstrap

A framework to create bootstrap styled HTML reports from knitr Rmarkdown.

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Title in YAML header

nachti opened this issue · comments

Trying to get a title using title in YAML (as described here) is not successful -- I can't find the title anywhere (rmarkdown::render('test.Rmd', 'knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document')).

    title: "Test file"
    theme: amelia
    highlight: sunburst
    theme.chooser: TRUE
    highlight.chooser: TRUE


This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents.

If I use the following lines instead to knit a standard html document (rmarkdown::render('$(FILE).Rmd', 'html_document')), everything is fine:

title: "Test file"
author: "Gerhard Nachtmann"
date: '`r Sys.Date()`'
    theme: united
    toc: yes
    toc: yes
#    title: 'Test file' # does not work
    theme: 'readable' # boot_style
    highlight: 'google code' # code_style


This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents.

Do you know what's wrong there?

It appears that the title is only added to the header but not the body. If you look at the generated HTML file you should be able to see a <title> tag with the specified title. Your browser will should display that as the title of the window/tab. It looks like that is the intended behaviour but it would indeed be nice to get this also included in the body of the page, maybe wrapped in a .page-header div.

It's not just the title - author and date are also missing in the body of the HTML document.
Peter, the <title> is correct, but it shouldn't differ from the standard html_document.
I generate my outputs (html_document and knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document and pdf_document) from the same source using a Makefile. If I insert tille & co extra after the YAML header, it would be twice in the other documents ...

I completely agree, that information should be included in the body of the generated web page, just like with the other formats. Using the version of knitrBootstrap from #68 it seems that the title, author and date are added to the page but are hidden. Not sure what the reasoning behind this is.

This now works in #68 so this issue can probably be closed.

After installing knitrBootstrap using devtools::install_github('jimhester/knitrBootstrap@rmarkdown_template') I get the following Error

rmarkdown::render('docu.Rmd', 'knitrBootstrap::bootstrap_document', output_file = 'docu_bt.html')
Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) :
  argument "pandoc_args" is missing, with no default
Calls: <Anonymous> ... html_document_base -> check_pandoc_args -> %in% -> match
Execution halted

Looks like a recent change I submitted broke that, apologies. It should now be fixed.

Thanks. Title etc. are working now using your branch, but the style is quite different to the original:
Margins cut the text (particularly code blocks) and the dynamic TOC at the right side is missing.

It isn't really my branch. The way I understand it is basically the development branch for the next version of knitrBootstrap (and existed long before I started contributing to it). This now builds on top of rmarkdown::html_document so some things have changed a bit (the discussion on #68 has some more details). The TOC is still there though. Are you including a toc option in your yaml front matter?

It is true that the code blocks are slightly wider than the text (15px each side, I think). The easiest fix for that would be to include some custom CSS adjust the styling to something you find more appealing.

I see. Thanks for the info. If I include the TOC in the YAML header explicitly, it's present in the output HTML, but on the left side overlaying the text. This was quite better in the master branch.

Could you make a gist with an example Rmd file that exhibits the issues you are describing? I will figure out where the error is.

I found out, that the problem is caused by a code block within an enumeration.
If I insert a blank line before the code block (after Some code) it is working, but the block is still not indented correctly. Using html_document, everything is as expected.

Another thing: In my git repo I found a folder <filename>_files containing the pictures, styles etc., which is different to the master branch. Is there a possibility to include these stuff again (self_contained: true - which should be the default - did not work)

Title still doesn't show up. All the examples use a title coming from the document itself, aka:

# Cars example #

Try using "title" in the YAML, and you will see, the title doesn't show up. With regular knitr, the following works:

title: "KnitrBootstrap Test"
author: Holly Molly
date: "January 31, 1016"
output: html_document


With knitrBootstrap, I can't find a variation that works. For example:

author: Holly Molly
date: "January 31, 1016"
    title: "KnitrBootstrap Test"
    theme: amelia
    highlight: sunburst
    theme.chooser: TRUE
    highlight.chooser: TRUE

Produces no title, no author nothing.

Tried the latest version as well as the CRAN version.

@ivannp, could you confirm whether you have tried this with the rmarkdown_template branch? That's what I would consider the latest version but that isn't very obvious so you may have tried the current master? My impression is that this does work in rmarkdown_template but I haven't looked at it in a while.

Could you be more specific with the steps? I installed the rmarkdown_template branch using:


No change in the output. I am trying all these in RStudio, by calling the knitting via the GUI.

Btw the title is still in the head portion of the HTML and it's empty. So are the author and the date, but they are not empty. Looks messed up to me, but I am not an HTML expert.

That sounds fine. Doing exactly the same procedure to install and knit I get the desired output using a YAML block like this:

title: "Test file"
author: Tester
    toc: true
    theme: amelia
    highlight: sunburst

A complete file for testing is here:

Note that the title and author have to be at the top level not under output. This is consistent with the documentation of the rmarkdown_template branch (but that is easy to overlook).

@jimhester, maybe it would make sense to make rmarkdown_template the default branch until it is merged into master?

Great, this worked on the latest version. Thanks!

@humburg thank you for debugging this and providing a fix.

The reason I have not merged rmarkdown_tempate into master is there are still some features missing from the branch which I unfortunately do not have time to address. #68 (comment) lists the main sticking points in my opinion.

@jimhester I understand that rmarkdown_template isn't really done yet and it seems very reasonable not to merge it into master until it is. However, in some respects it seems preferable to the latest release, even in its current state. Considering that it might be a while until it is ready for a release I thought it might be helpful to advertise it more prominently to new users. I know it took me a while to figure out that it is the rmarkdown_template branch I want to use.