jimeh / tmuxifier

Tmuxify your Tmux. Powerful session, window & pane management for Tmux.

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Error unknown option: default-path

wikimatze opened this issue · comments

Hio Jim,

thanks for this awesome plugin, I really enjoy and appreciate what you did because it is doing exactly the things which I missed by using tmuxinator.

Here is the reason for the error tmuxinator/tmuxinator#170.

I have the following session file:

if initialize_session "testt"; then
  load_window "padrino-book"
  load_window "job-vacancy"

  select_window 1


and here is the contents of the two window layouts:


window_root "$HOME/Dropbox/padrino/manuscript"
new_window "section"
run_cmd "vim 02-04-user-profile.md"     # runs in active pane

window_root "$HOME/Dropbox/notes"
new_window "notes"
run_cmd "vim padrino.txt"

window_root "$HOME/Dropbox/notes"
new_window "todo"
run_cmd "vim padrino-todo.txt"

new_window "irc"
run_cmd "irssi"


window_root "~/git-repositories/job-vacancy"
new_window "job-vacancy"

run_cmd "vim"

split_v 20
run_cmd "bundle exec padrino s"
split_h 80
run_cmd "bundle exec rspec spec"

select_pane 1

Even when I turn of the window_root settings in each of my window layouts, I'm getting this error message. The strange thing is, that my window setup described above is working fine.

Maybe you can add some tmux 1.8 and 1.90 deprecation warning in your script so that no other users of your plugin get the impression that something is broken.

Best regards from Berlin.

Interesting that default-path has been removed. I'll get a fix together in the next few days.

Awesome, if I find the time, I will browse through you shell scripts and try to improve them as well as the documentation. I'm very impressed by your plugin, it's worth giving a talk about it and making a video about it.

Apologies for my delay with this issue. It's been a bit of a crazy few weeks. But with today's release of Tmux 1.9 I'm moving this to the top of my todo list.

No problem, you can get the sources from git://git.code.sf.net/p/tmux/tmux-code and reading the changelog explains the error reported from me:

Incompatible Changes

* 88 colour support has been removed.
* 'default-path' has been removed.  The new-window command accepts '-c' to
  cater for this.  The previous value of "." can be replaced with: 'neww -c
  $PWD', the previous value of '' which meant current path of the pane can
  be specified as:  'neww -c "#{pane_current_path}"'

take your time fixing it, since it is still working for me. If you need a tester or someone reviewing your bash code, please let me know.

I'm hoping to be spending some time on this tonight.

And thanks for the offer, I'll most likely take you up on it. Also feel free to point out anything stupid you might come across in the existing code base :)

Hi @jimeh came across the same issue. How is the progress going? Also, any workaround available in the meantime?

Updated tmux yesterday and getting the same warning, and creating new windows dynamically puts me in ~/ and not the session root.

As a temporary workaround I've added the following to my tmux.conf:

bind c neww -c "#{pane_current_path}"

Now ^X-C creates a new window using the current path rather than $HOME.

Fixed in 0.9.1 (commit 0653074). It was a bit tricky sorting out a decent version comparison method, specially since I originally tried dealing with the latest version 1.9a format correctly. In the end I just stripped out any non-numeric values, as all I needed was "less than 1.9 or not".

I've tested the fix myself both against 1.8 and 1.9 without any problems. But if anyone still has issues, please let me know here :)

Nice 👍

Working for me too and it is even faster now, thanks for the great work.

You guys need to spell out the command so I don't have to guess or look up 10 docs to find it. How does -c even come close to meaning path? set-option default-path was working fine for me. Then it just stopped. I did not change my tmux version. Also neww is a terrible command. And tmux 2.3 is telling me neww is not a valid command. I am basically stuck having to manually set everything. none of my config commands are working. I really want to use this project and possibly even contribute. But we've got to start at the basics. Follow standard linux command naming conventions.