jillesvangurp / geogeometry

GeoGeometry is a set of algorithms and functions for manipulating geo hashes and geometric shapes with geo coordinates.

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duxy2002 opened this issue · comments

I'd noted that following comment in the geoHashesForPolygon method.

  • Note, the algorithm 'fills' the polygon from the inside with hashes. So, if a geohash partially falls outside the polygon, it is omitted. So, if you have a polygon with a lot of detail, this may result in large portions not
    being covered. To resolve this, manually choose a bigger geohash length. This results, in more but smaller
    geohashes around the edges.

not only 'fills', I want to 'intersect' the polygon with smaller hashes, I means that even if a point of geohash is included in the polygon, I will remain the geohash. How can I do it?

You need to modify the algorithm to support this.

I modified the algorithm as the following:

       while (detail < maxLength - 1) {
           partiallyContained = splitAndFilter(polygonPoints, fullyContained, partiallyContained);
        partiallyContained = splitAndFilter2(polygonPoints, fullyContained, partiallyContained);

and copy the splitAndFilter method as splitAndFilter2 and modified one line.

                } else if (nw || ne || sw || se) {
                    //delete this stillPartial.add(h); and change to the following line.

👍 I might integrate this when I have some spare time; but right now not actively working on this project for the last few years.