jillesvangurp / geogeometry

GeoGeometry is a set of algorithms and functions for manipulating geo hashes and geometric shapes with geo coordinates.

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Question: Cluster Algorithm?

FaKod opened this issue · comments

1st: Thanks for this great library...

We have a common use case to show clustered data because we cannot show thousands of POIs in a map window. The algorithms I found are using single points for that and are very slow on large data. Shouldn't it be possible to combine this clustering with the more performance oriented GeoHashes? In fact GeoHashes are already a grid clustering and aggregation. Do you know a lib or a algorithm?

Hey Chris,

I was actually playing around with something similar a few months ago and
implemented something myself based on the dbscan algorithm:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBSCAN. I never untangled that code from our
own stuff so I never bothered to open source it; so I'll just paste it
below. It uses a multi map to look up nearby points using their geohash,
and my north, east,south, & west functions for calculating neighboring
geohashes. The pois are then post processed using distance calculation.

The algorithm should be fairly easy to adapt since you can easily mess
around with the nearby function to change how it works.

I have a variation of this class that uses my geokv github project instead
of a multi map. I've run it on city sized areas with tens of thousands of
pois. It is very sensitive to the threshold parameters of course and
depending on how you set them it can range from very fast to very slow.
Worst case performance of this algorithm is n^2 if I remember correctly.


package com.localstream.processing.clustering;

import static com.localstream.common.Fields.point;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map.Entry;

import java.util.Set;

import com.github.jsonj.JsonObject;

import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMultimap;

import com.google.common.collect.Sets;

import com.jillesvangurp.geo.GeoGeometry;

import com.jillesvangurp.geo.GeoHashUtils;

public class InMemoryGeoHashDbScanClustering {

HashMultimap<String, JsonObject> points = HashMultimap.create();

private final int length;

private final int minimumClusterSize;

private final long threshold;


 * This configures the clustering.


 * @param threshold distance in meters used as a threshold

 * @param minimumClusterSize This dictates the minimum size of a



public InMemoryGeoHashDbScanClustering(long threshold,

intminimumClusterSize) {

    this.threshold = threshold;

    this.length = GeoHashUtils.getSuitableHashLength(threshold, 50, 0);

    this.minimumClusterSize = minimumClusterSize;



 * Add a point. The object should have a latitude and longitude field.

 * @param object


public void add(JsonObject object) {

    String hash = getHash(object);

    points.put(hash, object);


private String getHash(JsonObject object) {

    double[] point = point(object);

    return GeoHashUtils.encode(point[0], point[1],length);


public Set<Set<JsonObject>> cluster() {

    Set<Set<JsonObject>> clusters = Sets.newHashSet();

    Set<JsonObject> visited = Sets.newHashSet();

    Set<JsonObject> clustered = Sets.newHashSet();


    for(Entry<String, JsonObject> entry


        JsonObject object = entry.getValue();

        if(!visited.contains(object)) {

            Set<JsonObject> nearBy = getNearBy(entry.getValue());

            if(nearBy.size() > minimumClusterSize) {

                Set<JsonObject> cluster = Sets.newHashSet();

                expandClusterNonRecursive(object, visited,clustered,

cluster, nearBy);

                if(cluster.size() > minimumClusterSize) {






    return clusters;


public long size() {

    return points.size();


// private void expandCluster(JsonObject p, Set visited,
Set clustered, Set cluster, Set nearBy)

// cluster.add(p);

// clustered.add(p);

// for(JsonObject o: ImmutableSet.copyOf(nearBy)) {

// if(!clustered.contains(o)) {

// cluster.add(o);

// clustered.add(o);

// }

// if(!visited.contains(o)) {

// visited.add(o);

// Set nearBy2 = getNearBy(o);

// expandCluster(o, visited, clustered, cluster, nearBy2);

// }

// }

// }

private void expandClusterNonRecursive(JsonObject p, Set<JsonObject>

visited, Set clustered, Set cluster,
Set nearBy) {

    List<JsonObject> stack = new LinkedList<>();



    while(stack.size() > 0) {

        JsonObject o = stack.remove(stack.size()-1);

        if(!visited.contains(o)) {


            Set<JsonObject> nearBy2 = getNearBy(o);

            if(nearBy2.size() > minimumClusterSize) {




        if(!clustered.contains(o)) {






private double distance(JsonObject o1, JsonObject o2) {

    double[] p1 = point(o1);

    double[] p2 = point(o2);

    return GeoGeometry.distance(p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1]);


private Set<JsonObject> getNearBy(JsonObject o) {

    Set<JsonObject> unFiltered = getNearByHash(getHash(o));

    Iterator<JsonObject> iterator = unFiltered.iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

        JsonObject candidate = iterator.next();

        if(distance(o,candidate) > threshold) {




    return unFiltered;


private Set<JsonObject> getNearByHash(String hash) {

    Set<JsonObject> nearBy = points.get(hash);

    String next = GeoHashUtils.north(hash);


    next = GeoHashUtils.east(next);


    next = GeoHashUtils.south(next);


    next = GeoHashUtils.south(next);


    next = GeoHashUtils.west(next);


    next = GeoHashUtils.west(next);


    next = GeoHashUtils.north(next);


    next = GeoHashUtils.north(next);


    return nearBy;



On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Christopher Schmidt <
notifications@github.com> wrote:

1st: Thanks for this great library...

We have a common use case to show clustered data because we cannot show
thousands of POIs in a map window. The algorithms I found are using single
points for that and are very slow on large data. Shouldn't it be possible
to combine this clustering with the more performance oriented GeoHashes? In
fact GeoHashes are already a grid clustering and aggregation. Do you know a
lib or a algorithm?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/jillesvangurp/geotools/issues/1.

Hi Jilles, thanks for your answer and code. I'll test it...