jichu4n / fish-command-timer

Fish shell extension for printing execution time for each command.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nothing Shown In Ubuntu 16.04

sprankhub opened this issue · comments

  • fish installed via apt-get (sudo apt-get install fish)

  • standard Ubuntu 16.04

  • placed fish command timer under ~/.config/fish/conf.d

  • even after restart, nothing is shown

      ~> fish --version
      fish, version 2.2.0
      ~> ls -al ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
      insgesamt 16
      drwxrwxr-x 2 simon simon 4096 Nov 23 08:27 ./
      drwxr-xr-x 5 simon simon 4096 Nov 23 08:26 ../
      -rw-rw-r-- 1 simon simon 7535 Nov 22 16:50 fish_command_timer.fish

Any idea why it does not show anything? I also tried to put it under /etc/fish/conf.d, but this did not work as well.

Thanks a lot!

What works for me is to source the fish_command_timer.fish in my ~/.config/fish/config.fish file. I moved the fish_command_timer.fish into the ~/.config/fish/ folder and added the following to config.fish:

source ~/.config/fish/fish_command_timer.fish

If your fish_command_timer.fish is located somewhere else, just source the absolute path to it in your config.fish:

source /abs/path/to/fish_command_timer.fish

where /abs/path/to/ is your absolute path.

Hope it helps.

Indeed! This seems to work - thanks @leloup314! @jichu4n it would be great if you could update the installation section accordingly :)

Updated instructions. Thanks!