jiayihu / ng-animate

🌙 A collection of cool, reusable and flexible animations for Angular 14+

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IE 11 Support

pkelleter opened this issue · comments

It seems this library does not support IE11, although angular/animations does provide the basis to do so.
The translate property seems to be defined in a non-compatible fashion, since the translateX / translateY functionality does not work properly in IE11.
It would be awesome if that could be fixed, since unfortunately a lot of people still need to support that version.

Could you give me a hint about the unsupported property? translate3d seems to be supported on IE11 according to caniuse

When I run the demo on IE11, all the elements don't come out.
Does it mean angular animation doesn't support IE at all?
Btw, I am new to Angular 4+.

From the officiale doc for Angular animations:

As of Angular 6, If the Web Animations API is not supported natively by the browser, then Angular will use CSS keyframes as a fallback instead (automatically).
This means that the polyfill is no longer required unless any code uses AnimationBuilder.
If your code does use AnimationBuilder, then uncomment the web-animations-js polyfill from the polyfills.ts file generated by Angular CLI.

So if you use Angular 4-5 you'll need to include web-animations-js polyfill, otherwise it should be fine.

note that currently this lib has 'web-animations-js' peer dependency. This probably should be removed as it's not directly a concern of this library and is not required for Angular6+chrome/firefox

(ideally it should have been a peer dependency of @angular/animations@4)

Good point @amitport , I'll fix it asap

Solved by #13