jiayihu / ng-animate

🌙 A collection of cool, reusable and flexible animations for Angular 14+

Home Page:https://jiayihu.github.io/ng-animate/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Flip is not working anymore in WebKit in Safari 15.2

kamekaioken opened this issue · comments

When using flip animations in Safari 15.2, importing flip module breaks the whole page with the error:

[Error] ERROR – Error: The animation trigger "flip" has failed to build due to the following errors:
 - The provided animation property "backface-visibility" is not a supported CSS property for animations
Error: The animation trigger "flip" has failed to build due to the following errors:
 - The provided animation property "backface-visibility" is not a supported CSS property for animations
	Xn (main.d8696d7c447550d679da.js:1:31936)
	handleError (main.d8696d7c447550d679da.js:1:32107)
	run (polyfills.bf99d438b005d57b2b31.js:1:2043)
	(anonyme Funktion) (main.d8696d7c447550d679da.js:1:94283)
	onInvoke (main.d8696d7c447550d679da.js:1:88106)
	run (polyfills.bf99d438b005d57b2b31.js:1:2043)
	(anonyme Funktion) (polyfills.bf99d438b005d57b2b31.js:1:12978)
	onInvokeTask (main.d8696d7c447550d679da.js:1:87999)
	runTask (polyfills.bf99d438b005d57b2b31.js:1:2662)
	m (polyfills.bf99d438b005d57b2b31.js:1:9244)

Repro steps:
Try opening the demo page https://jiayihu.github.io/ng-animate/ in Safari 15.2

@kamekaioken I don't think this repo is being managed anymore.

Yeah unfortunately I don't work anymore on Angular. I'll be happy to review any PR though