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Preprocessing images with ResNet

ili3p opened this issue Β· comments

$ Torch: not enough memory: you tried to allocate 123GB.
Happens here prepro_img_residule.lua:98: in main chunk, i.e.

local feat_train=torch.FloatTensor(sz, 14, 14, 2048) --ndims)

Do you really have 123GB+ RAM? πŸ˜ƒ

Anyway, why 14x14x2048? Shouldn't be 7x7x2048?

Oh, is it because you scale the images to 448 instead 224?

Actually, yes, and that's why I only trained the model once. ;)

I'm training the version 2 code now, which include CNN part. In that case you don't need that much RAM

Can we get a link to version 2 code. I don't have 128 GB RAM. I am getting a memory error when i try to extract feature for whole MSCOCO dataset