jiangyuxiaoxiao / nonebot-plugin-bertvits2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


fazzy305 opened this issue · comments


12-10 20:59:28 [SUCCESS] nonebot | NoneBot is initializing...
12-10 20:59:28 [INFO] nonebot | Current Env: dev
12-10 20:59:28 [DEBUG] nonebot | Loaded Config: {'driver': '~aiohttp', 'host': IPv4Address(''), 'port': 13579, 'log_level': 'DEBUG', 'api_timeout': 30.0, 'superusers': set(), 'nickname': set(), 'command_start': {'/'}, 'command_sep': {'.'}, 'session_expire_timeout': datetime.timedelta(seconds=120), 'qq_bots': [{'id': '', 'token': '', 'secret': '', 'intent': {'guild_messages': True, 'c2c_group_at_messages': False, 'direct_message': True}}], 'qq_is_sandbox': False, 'environment': 'dev'}
12-10 20:59:29 [DEBUG] nonebot | Succeeded to load adapter "QQ"
12-10 20:59:29 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to load plugin "echo" from "nonebot.plugins.echo"
12-10 20:59:29 [DEBUG] nonebot | OneBot V12 | Model for key "" <class 'nonebot.adapters.onebot.v12.event.BotEvent'> is overridden by <class 'nonebot.adapters.onebot.v12.event.Event'>
12-10 20:59:30 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to load plugin "nonebot_plugin_mystool"
12-10 20:59:30 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to load plugin "nonebot_plugin_bertvits2" from "src.plugins.nonebot_plugin_bertvits2"
12-10 20:59:30 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Running NoneBot...
12-10 20:59:30 [DEBUG] nonebot | Loaded adapters: QQ
12-10 20:59:30 [DEBUG] nonebot | QQ | QQ run in sandbox mode: False
12-10 20:59:30 [DEBUG] nonebot | QQ | QQ api base url: https://api.sgroup.qq.com/
12-10 20:59:30 [DEBUG] nonebot | QQ | Bot 102080840 calling API shard_url_get
12-10 20:59:30 [INFO] nonebot_plugin_apscheduler | Scheduler Started
12-10 20:59:30 [DEBUG] nonebot | QQ | WebSocket Connection to wss://api.sgroup.qq.com/websocket established
12-10 20:59:31 [INFO] nonebot | QQ | Bot xxxx connected
12-10 20:59:31 [SUCCESS] nonebot | QQ xxxx | [EventType.READY]: {'version': 1, 'session_id': 'c30ebda8-9f6a-4c10-9d84-1b19f575db16', 'user': {'id': '6698548111176471905', 'username': 'Doro-测试中', 'avatar': None, 'bot': True, 'union_openid': None, 'union_user_account': None}, 'shard': (0, 1)}
12-10 20:59:31 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 1...
12-10 20:59:31 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 4...
12-10 20:59:31 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 5...
12-10 20:59:31 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 100...
12-10 20:59:31 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers completed
12-10 20:59:31 [INFO] nonebot | Application startup completed.
12-10 20:59:39 [SUCCESS] nonebot | QQ 102888840 | [EventType.AT_MESSAGE_CREATE]: Message 08a8fc8f90e9b1fff12d10ef84bdae02386f48baecd6ab06 from  @[Guild:3306765342596994600/634339951] Roles:['4', '14']: [Text(type='text', data={'text': '星 瞳说你好啊,我是星瞳'})]
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 1...
12-10 20:59:39 [SUCCESS] nonebot | QQ 102888840 | [EventType.MESSAGE_CREATE]: Message 08a8fc8f90e9b1fff12d10ef88bdae02386f48baecd6ab06 from  @[Guild:330676534019699880/634339951] Roles:['4', '14']: [Text(type='text', data={'text': '星瞳说你好啊,我是星瞳'})]
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 1...
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 4...
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 4...
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 5...
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 5...
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 100...
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers in priority 100...
12-10 20:59:39 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=src.plugins.nonebot_plugin_bertvits2, lineno=35)
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Running Matcher(type='message', module=src.plugins.nonebot_plugin_bertvits2, lineno=35)
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Running handler Dependent(call=_)
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Handler Dependent(call=_) skipped
12-10 20:59:39 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=src.plugins.nonebot_plugin_bertvits2, lineno=35) running complete
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers completed
12-10 20:59:39 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=src.plugins.nonebot_plugin_bertvits2, lineno=35)
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Running Matcher(type='message', module=src.plugins.nonebot_plugin_bertvits2, lineno=35)
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Running handler Dependent(call=_)
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Handler Dependent(call=_) skipped
12-10 20:59:39 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=src.plugins.nonebot_plugin_bertvits2, lineno=35) running complete
12-10 20:59:39 [DEBUG] nonebot | Checking for matchers completed


12-10 20:43:11 SUCCESS  | server_fastapi.py:99 | 添加模型D:\Program\bot\voice\Data\XingTong\models\G_8000.pth,使用配置 文件D:\Program\bot\voice\Data\XingTong\config.json
12-10 20:43:11 WARNING  | server_fastapi.py:537 | 本地服务,请勿将服务端口暴露于外网
12-10 20:43:11 INFO     | server_fastapi.py:538 | api文档地址

现在只支持adapter OnebotV11