jiange91 / cse251B-PA4

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Image Captioning

  • TODO: Details specific to the student's implementation to be added by the student


  • Define the configuration for your experiment. See default.json to see the structure and available options. You are free to modify and restructure the configuration as per your needs.
  • Implement factories to return project specific models, datasets based on config. Add more flags as per requirement in the config.
  • Implement experiment.py based on the project requirements.
  • After defining the configuration (say my_exp.json) - simply run python3 main.py my_exp to start the experiment
  • The logs, stats, plots and saved models would be stored in ./experiment_data/my_exp dir. This can be configured in contants.py
  • To resume an ongoing experiment, simply run the same command again. It will load the latest stats and models and resume training pr evaluate performance.


  • main.py: Main driver class
  • experiment.py: Main experiment class. Initialized based on config - takes care of training, saving stats and plots, logging and resuming experiments.
  • dataset_factory: Factory to build datasets based on config
  • model_factory.py: Factory to build models based on config
  • constants.py: constants used across the project
  • file_utils.py: utility functions for handling files
  • caption_utils.py: utility functions to generate bleu scores
  • vocab.py: A simple Vocabulary wrapper
  • coco_dataset: A simple implementation of torch.utils.data.Dataset the Coco Dataset
  • get_datasets.ipynb: A helper notebook to set up the dataset in your workspace



Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.5%Language:Python 0.5%