jhogsett / EMA-VFI-WebUI

Advanced AI-Based Video Renovation UI Using EMA-VFI & Real-ESRGAN

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Process more than 2 frames?

noobtoob4lyfe opened this issue · comments

Thanks for sharing this great work! Is there an easy to process an entire video with this yet, or are we limited to using a pair of input frames only?

Hi @noobtoob4lyfe there are a few features that will interpolate across a series of frames:

Video Inflation: inserts filler frames between all frame pairs to create slow motion, or smooth low-FPS footage
Resynthesize Video: creates new middle frames for all frame triplets, creating a whole new set of frames for use in restoration
Upscale Frames: creates a set of cleaned and/or upsized frames
Change FPS: use interpolation to create frames to convert any FPS to any other FPS
Various tools that will process sets of PNG frame files, for instance, to create a .MP4 video

Let me know what you would like to accomplish with the tool and I can provide more a more detailed workflow.