jhipster / generator-jhipster-micronaut

Micronaut blueprint for JHipster

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Service for model is generated with spring annotations

agilob opened this issue · comments

Overview of the issue

Imports not found:


I converted a spring-boot project into micronaut project, but before generating sources I did:

$ rm src -fr so everything generated by project config is gone
$ mhipster so it generates the scaffolding of mhipster app, where UserService is annotated with @Singleton @Transactional, that's correct!
and then regenerated the models:
$ mhipster import-jdl model.jdl --force so model is re-generated , now generated services use spring-boot annotations

I don't see anything spring specific in .yo-rc.json

Ah right, seems like it some kind of caching intellij error -.-' this file doesnt exist on hard drive but intellij is still trying to compile it.

There is file TopicRepository that is annotated with @Repository and works. Sorry about this, I feel so stupid now

I actually can reproduce it on a new project with existing .jdl file, can anyone please explain or look at this please?

This happens when jdl is

// Set service options to all except few
service all with serviceClass