jhipster / generator-jhipster-micronaut

Micronaut blueprint for JHipster

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to create new entities that have a relationship with `User`

JasonTypesCodes opened this issue · comments

Overview of the issue

When an entity has a relationship with User, creating a new entity through the UI fails:

Failed to convert argument [bankAccount] for value [null] due to: Cannot construct instance of `com.mycompany.myapp.domain.User` (although at least one Creator exists): no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('1') at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: com.mycompany.myapp.domain.BankAccount["user"])
Project configuration
application {
  config {
    applicationType monolith
    authenticationType jwt
    baseName jhipster
    blueprints [generator-jhipster-micronaut]
    buildTool gradle
    cacheProvider ehcache
    clientFramework react
    clientPackageManager npm
    clientTheme cyborg
    clientThemeVariant dark
    creationTimestamp 1590870527345
    databaseType sql
    devDatabaseType h2Disk
    dtoSuffix DTO
    embeddableLaunchScript false
    enableHibernateCache true
    enableSwaggerCodegen false
    enableTranslation true
    jhiPrefix jhi
    jhipsterVersion "6.9.0"
    languages [en, al, ar-ly, hy]
    messageBroker false
    nativeLanguage en
    packageName com.mycompany.myapp
    prodDatabaseType mysql
    searchEngine false
    serverPort 8080
    serviceDiscoveryType false
    skipClient false
    skipServer false
    skipUserManagement false
    testFrameworks [protractor]
    useSass true
    websocket false

  entities BankAccount, Label, Operation

entity BankAccount {
  name String required,
  balance BigDecimal required
entity Label {
  label String required minlength(3)
entity Operation {
  date Instant required,
  description String,
  amount BigDecimal required
relationship OneToMany {
  BankAccount{operation} to Operation{bankAccount(name)}
relationship ManyToOne {
  BankAccount{user(login)} to User
relationship ManyToMany {
  Operation{label(label)} to Label{operation}

paginate Operation with infinite-scroll

  • Checking this box is mandatory (this is just to show you read everything)

@JasonTypesCodes I had encountered the same issue, and was able to resolve it by changing the dropdown in the entity-update to the following. Hope this works for you as well.

<AvInput id="character-user" type="select" className="form-control" name="user.id">
  <option value="" key="0" />
       ? users.map((otherEntity) => (
            <option value={otherEntity.id} key={otherEntity.id}>
       : null}

There is quite a bit going on here. It seems the server implementation was working with OAuth but was still leaning on non-oauth implementation of the User entity. I'm going to clean this up first and when I'm done I'll see if this is still an issue.