jhipster / generator-jhipster-micronaut

Micronaut blueprint for JHipster

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Release 3.2.0

mraible opened this issue · comments

Release v3.2.0 of this blueprint with JHipster 8.3.0 support.

@mshima @DanielFran Please let me know if anything else needs to be done before the release.

@mraible We should have some dependabot updates tomorrow morning, so it should be OK.

@mraible We should have some dependabot updates tomorrow morning, so it should be OK.

@DanielFran I've triggered a dependabot run manually. So every dependabot dependency should be updated now.

But we should review prompts, it’s not importing some spring-boot prompts anymore.

Prompt adjusts are in #341.
I think 3.2.0 should be ready after it.

I'll do a release tomorrow (Thursday) morning mountain time.

Micronaut 4.4.0 has been released #342.

@mshima A few of the jobs in #342 are failing with:

ERROR i.m.http.server.RouteExecutor - Unexpected error occurred: Can only be used in a Netty context

The 4.4.0 release notes have a paragraph that explains why the failures might be happening.

In addition, since Micronaut framework 4.4.0, any Project Reactor blocking operations throw an exception when they are done on an event loop thread. This new behaviour will help you identify the controller’s methods, which you must annotate with @ExecuteOn to avoid performance loss or dead locks in the event loop.

Since this is not a trivial change, I'm going to do the release w/o it.