jhipster / generator-jhipster-micronaut

Micronaut blueprint for JHipster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generate thymeleaf forms from JDL based on the "no client" selection on mhipster

kevintanhongann opened this issue · comments

Overview of the feature request

This feature request is about generating Thymeleaf forms based on the JDL script with entities and relationships.

Motivation for or Use Case

The reason behind the feature request is when one generates a mHipster project and one generates a no-client skeleton project, one has the option to code a monolithic app based on Micronaut + Thymeleaf flavor, which is pretty decent and there's no reliance on any Javascript frontend frameworks except for jQuery or Tailwind(depending on whether you're coding it or buying html templates from a site). And based on my experience, I deliver faster by buying existing html templates from Themeforest and start coding and delivering right away(I like delivering fast). The only drawback here is the mHipster generator doesn't have any generators for Thymeleaf forms. Since I also have the experience of using Grails before, I know for a fact that Grails uses reflections in its internals to do code generation, and mHipster really changes things since you can generate Thymeleaf forms based on the entity JSONs within the .jhipster folder.

Related issues or PR


If you'd like to create a blueprint for this, it should be possible and widely appreciated. However, making it work is one thing, maintaining it for years to come is another. It's a cool idea that many folks would like, but it's possible the maintenance burden would make you question the choices you've made in life. 😉

@atomfrede now that you've mentioned it, it makes more sense to do it in the original Spring Boot flavor first before doing it for Micronaut. I want to see the commonalities between the two flavors and assess whether it's beneficial to create a blueprint for this. Thanks for the input on that.