jhipster / generator-jhipster-micronaut

Micronaut blueprint for JHipster

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Is it possible to set / as an oauth2 logout path?

mraible opened this issue · comments

Overview of the feature request

I'm trying to integrate JHipster + Micronaut support in the Okta CLI. One of the issues I've run into is we use / as a logout redirect URI for Spring Security. It also works with Quarkus.

If I try the following, it results in a 405 error when I load up http://localhost:8080.

        enabled: true
        get-allowed: false
        path: /

If I change ...logout.get-allowed to true, I get an infinite redirect when I load the homepage.

Motivation for or Use Case

It'd be nice if we could use the same login and logout redirect URIs across JHipster blueprints, so it's easier to configure them for OKta.

Related issues or PR


I should clarify that I'm not interested in changing the logout endpoint's path in the JHipster-generated app. I'm interested in changing the post_logout_redirect_uri that's sent to the identity provider. See Okta's /logout API for more info.

The setting I think you are looking for is micronaut.security.redirect.logout. It should default to "/"

I believe @bdemers figured out a solution. Therefore, I'll close this issue.

@mraible Don't comment while on vacation 😄 🌴