jhipster / generator-jhipster-micronaut

Micronaut blueprint for JHipster

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H2 Database UI not available and Faker with Docker Compose

mraible opened this issue · comments

Overview of the issue

I recorded a screencast of my Micronaut + JHipster blog post and found a couple of issues:

  1. H2 Database link doesn't work in menu - it results in a page not found error
  2. Running app.yml with Docker Compose still has faker.js data, even though it's a prod environment

See my demo script for the steps I followed. They're the same as the blog post, just condensed.

Faker in production is fixed. Regarding h2 console I need to look in more detail. The h2 console is a servlet we add to the servlet context in the main generator. As we use netty maybe that won't work. I think for reactive applications we also don't have a h2 console.

I think we can start the h2 webserver, it's just under a different port. So the menu item will open e.g. localhost:8084 in a new window for example.